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Student Health


Opticians will test your sight and examine the health of your eyes. Some types of optician are trained to recognise abnormalities and diseases that are revealed in the eye, such as diabetes and glaucoma. After testing your eyes, if needed, most opticians will also fit and supply spectacles or contact lenses to a prescription.

Why do I need to have an eye test?

Regular eye tests are essential and should form part of your healthcare routine, like visiting the doctor or dentist. In the UK the NHS provides free eye tests for qualifying patients and in some cases they also contribute towards the cost of glasses.

Am I entitled to a free eye test from the NHS?

If you fall into any of the following groups, the NHS will pay for the cost of your eye test:

  • Up to 16 years of age
  • Up to 18 years of age and in full-time education
  • Over 60 years of age
  • Live in Scotland
  • People (or partners of people) who receive certain benefits
  • Holders (or partners of holders) of an exemption certificate (HC2)
  • People who need certain complex lenses
  • People diagnosed diabetic or with glaucoma
  • People aged 40 years of age or over who are the brother, sister or child of a diagnosed glaucoma patient

Find out more about free NHS eye tests and optical vouchers.

Free Eye Tests

To get a free eye test, please check the website of various opticians who often have special deals on offer.

In Scotland The NHS help certain people with the cost of their glasses.

Where to go

To find an optometrist and for further information about eye care and tests, please visit Look after your eyes or the NHS website.

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