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Technology Enhanced Learning Team

Get Involved

The TEL Team are heavily involved in multiple steering groups both internally and external of QMUL. Membership of these groups is optional for staff, and we encourage all colleagues with digital-education and related roles to take part where relevant.

Learning Technologist Group

TELT host a monthly Learning Technologist Group meeting which invites colleagues from all schools and faculties from across the university. This meeting allows for TELT to provide information on upcoming training sessions, service updates for various platforms and potential enhancement opportunities.  

Technology Enhanced Learning Community of Practice (COP)

TELT have set up a community of practice of which the membership is open to all. Alongside long-standing themes and current areas of interest, this COP is a fantastic place to learn, share and collaborate with all stakeholders at the institution. Here you will find pertinent questions posed and references to numerous conference and networking opportunities.  

External Groups (MUGGL & M25)

TELT members are regular visitors and members of several external learning technology groups. Two of these include the Moodle User Group Greater London (MUGGL) and the M25 Group. Both groups meet around 3 times a year and event attendance are open to all roles within digital education. The focus for MUGGL is mainly Moodle and related platforms, while the M25 has more of a strategic focus, and both have a mailing list to help members keep abreast of the latest information from outside of QMUL. 

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