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Technology Enhanced Learning Team

TELT Newsletter - March 2023


Technology Enhanced Learning Community of Practice Launched

The inaugural event of the new Technology Enhanced Learning Community of Practice (TEL CoP) led by the Technology Enhanced Learning Team, took place on Wednesday the 22nd of February. 146 participants attended the online event including, academics, learning technologists, and professional services colleagues.

The event comprised of three presentations (Full event recording):

Focusing in on the launch and consultation presentation, there were a range of questions to address in two breakout sessions. Three themes emerged from these discussions and were identified by the community as of significance and where further development would be constructive:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Virtual Reality and Immersive Learning
  • Assessment and Feedback
  • QMplus and Learning Design

Call to Action

Having identified our key themes, we are now seeking a range of leads and collaborators for each.

The lead(s) will have an interest in a relevant theme and with support from the TEL Team (TELT), will continue discussions on relevant topics and foster ideas from the community for further development.  If you are interested, please contact Surjit Uppal ( or one of TELT to arrange a call and plan this further.

Next Steps

We are now arranging a face-to-face live event, planned for the 7th June, and are keen for the community to demonstrate their work, teaching ideas and research undertaken.  We are inviting community members to lead on sessions most relevant to the emerging themes identified above. We have several sessions confirmed and open to more contributions, so please get in touch to share your ideas.

Please save the date – the next event will be on-campus – more details will follow soon.

For more information and for the full write up of the CoP event from February, please visit our website.

Changes to the QMplus login process

On Monday 17th April we will be making a change to the QMplus login process. From that time, QMUL staff and students will use the same login process for QMplus as they do for their QMUL email.

We are making this change to improve the robustness of the QMplus login process and to make it consistent with other QMUL systems.

Find out more about these changes on our website.

Tips and tricks Lessons learned from QMplus Assessment Part One

The QMplus Quiz (Quiz activity – MoodleDocs) is a popular and practical tool suitable for both formative and summative assessments. One major advantage of the inbuilt activity is the wide range of options which allow users to tailor the Quiz to their requirements. There are also a number of features that have been set up by default, that you should be aware of.

In this article we want to highlight the “Timing” section of the Quiz settings specifically the “When time expires” option. This is an important setting as it dictates when and if the students’ quiz attempt will be submitted for grading.

This article can be accessed online here.

Introducing the ‘Qudos’ Corner!

This space houses the positive words dedicated to those who have supported / collaborated with us and the feedback from those we have assisted. It’s great to take a step back and acknowledge our efforts as a team and to others who have helped too.

“Thank you to Naomi Potter from OPD for taking us on a great train the trainer journey. The team have learned so much and had a fun training experience. We hope to be able to continue to develop in our training delivery and improve our training programme with some great insights from the training.” – Alysa Bramble (TELT)

Pia Cronin, Education Manager from the Barts Cancer Institute joined one of our afternoon Drop in Sessions, requesting assistance with renaming tabs within course pages and sorting course mappings for BCI. After the session, she’s left us this positive feedback “Thanks to Annette and Danielle, massively helpful”

And last but not least a big thank you to our guest speakers and panel members, Richard Chantler, Ishani Chndrasekara and Fernando Barrio, during our first Community of Practice Launch Event. Their insight on assessment-related topics were gratefully received and feedback from the community was overwhelmingly positive.

This month’s FAQs

Question 1 (Staff): My lecture was recorded by Q-Review but the output is not right (for example, the recording displays only a view of the room but does not show the slides as needed). What do I do?

In the first instance please contact the Q-Review Bookings team for them to confirm the correct output method/s have been selected for the scheduled recordings. If they confirm this is correct, please contact the helpdesk team.

Question 2: A course is missing from my timetable, can you fix this?

For all timetable queries, concerns or requests please contact the Timetabling Team via

Question 3: I can’t see my assignment similarity report from Turnitin.,

Answer 3: In the first instance, please confirm with the course administrator if the ability for students to see the score is permitted for this assignment. If they confirm this should be visible to you, please reach out to your QMPlus Local School Contact or the helpdesk team.




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