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Technology Enhanced Learning Team

TELT Newsletter - May 2023


TELT Community of Practice June event

Next week, the Technology Enhanced Learning Team’s first in-person Community of Practice event takes place on 7th June 2023. We are delighted to announce Professor David Leslie as the keynote speaker. 

Professor David Leslie works at The Alan Turing Institute and QMUL and is the author of the UK Government’s official guidance on the responsible design and implementation of AI systems in the public sector. We are thrilled to have him present and share his knowledge and expertise.  For more information on Professor Leslie, please view his profile.
The CoP event will take place in the Bancroft Building at our Mile End campus. The Mason Lecture Theatre will open from 12.30pm for networking and refreshments (tea and coffee), with a prompt start time of 12:45pm.

The agenda includes speakers from throughout QMUL’s community, sharing innovative and good practice of using technologies for teaching and learning.
If you and your colleagues haven’t yet registered for this free event, please confirm your place by 
clicking here to complete the Eventbrite invitation.

If you have any questions prior to the event, please contact:

Important dates for the QMplus upgrade and archiving

After our update to the look and feel of QMplus last August, this year we will be upgrading QMplus.  This is our first upgrade since July 2021 and will bring a variety of improvements to our online learning environment.

The important dates for your diary are:

  • Tuesday 11th July - this is the day where we will take a snapshot of QMplus which will become the 2022/23 QMplus archive.  Any changes made in QMplus after this date will not be in the archive. There will be no disruption to QMplus while we take the snapshot.
  • Tuesday 18th July - the 2022/23 QMplus archive will become available
  • Tuesday 29th August - this is the day we will be upgrading QMplus.  The system will be unavailable for the whole day.

You may notice that the upgrade is taking place later than usual this year. We usually create the archive and upgrade QMplus at the same time in July.  This is not possible this year due to issues surrounding the complexity of the upgrade process meaning we have had to push the upgrade date back into August.

You can find more information on our QMplus upgrade page which we will be updating regularly.  We will also be sending out regular communications about the upgrade through our various channels, the main one being our Learning Technologists Group networkwhich is made up of support staff across the university. 

If you have any questions or concerns, you can get in touch with your local QMplus support contact.  You can also raise a ticket on the ServiceDesk (email, indicating your question relates to the QMplus upgrade.

QMplus Labels – a small resource which can have a big impact

In this short article Learning Technologist John Seamons looks to shine a spotlight on a QMplus resource Label in Moodle.

In this article, John looks at what Labels are, what they can be used for and how to add them to your modules, as well as explaining some of the potential issues with their use.

The article can be found online on the TELT website.

TELT drop-in service is moving to MS Teams!

In June we will move our drop-in service from Zoom to MS Teams. This is a trial run as part of our continuous effort to improve TEL support provision at QMUL.

Our drop-in sessions are intended for staff who would like to talk to a member of the team about any teaching technology issues that they are having. These might be related to one of our major applications such as QMplus, Q-Review or Turnitin, or indeed any other TEL application related issue. 

We believe that the move to MS Teams will offer a more seamless and integrated experience for users.  During this trial period, we encourage you to take full advantage of the new platform.  

Join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays, between 1-2pm, to ask questions or seek advice from our team. Our website has more information and instructions to join.

Let’s meet…

In this month’s Let’s Meet… article, TELT’s Zaheer Daleel got to know Jo Elliot, Reader in Learning Design in the new Digital Education Studio in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. This is a new team, set up in 2022 with the arrival of Chie Adachi, to extend and advance digital education practice within the faculty.

In this article you can find out more about Jo’s background, her interests and what she’s currently working on. Many thanks to Jo for taking this time to meet with us.

‘Qudos’ Corner

We would like to give a shout out to Yanna Nedelcheva, the new Teaching and Learning Systems Manager in IT Services.  Yanna only joined QMUL at the beginning of May but has brought a wealth of experience in the coordination, implementation and development of technology-enhanced learning activities.  Even in such a short time in a new organisation, she has had a positive impact on various areas of work in progress.  Thanks Yanna. 

  • Gill Ritchie


How do I share Kaltura videos with colleagues?

QMplus Media, our institutional media server, allows you to create a shareable link for a video which you can send to anyone you like. It is very similar to the “unlisted video” feature in YouTube. The person viewing the video doesn’t need to have an account on QMplus Media to view the video so it’s handy when communicating with people outside our organisation. It also saves your viewers the inconvenience of having to log in to view your video. Please view the guide on instructions for sharing Kaltura videos (QMplus Media gallery videos)

How do I access Turnitin?

Turnitin is accessed via QMplus only. An assignment is set up by a lecturer or a QMplus administrator from within a school. Students access this assignment online and upload their work before the due date. Further guidance is available online.

I am getting this message and do not know what to do next:

“You have logged in successfully as 'QM username' but do not have an account in Moodle"

Your QMplus account has not been created yet. Once a ticket has been raised a TELT support team member will create your QMplus account.

I started work last week and cannot access, my QM mail, MyHR or QMplus. Please help me so I can complete my induction courses on QMplus.

Your QM credentials have either not been created or yet to become active. Please contact the ITS Helpdesk for further assistance. Once QM mail and MyHR become accessible then a TELT support team member will give you access to QMplus.

Help! I cannot log into Canvas

Canvas is not managed by the TELT team, for assistance please contact the ITS Helpdesk on

Upcoming TEL staff development sessions








An introduction to Mentimeter (for student engagement)


10:00 - 11:00



Getting Started with QMplus


14:00 - 16:00



MS Teams in Teaching (interaction)


10:00 - 11:30



Introduction to Blackboard Ally


10:00 - 11:30



Getting Started with QMplus


14:00 - 16:00






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