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Technology Enhanced Learning Team

Announcing Gradesplus (beta)


On 22nd March 2016, there will be a new feature released to QMplus called Gradesplus (Beta). This feature will be available under the QMplus ‘My Dashboard’ for a few pilot schools and offers a new grades view for both students and staff. 

The intention behind Gradesplus is to provide a single place for students and staff to access information about grades and feedback across modules. Currently, QMplus does not provide this. 

In this first release, the focus has been on the student view of grades. Below is a sample student view of the Gradesplus area: 



Students can click on the ‘View Feedback’ button to see individual feedback for a particular activity (where feedback has been released in QMplus), or they can click on the ‘View Histogram’ button to view their grade compared to the rest of the class (where grades have been released in QMplus). 



We'll be finding out about the usefulness of Gradesplus to students from our pilot Schools and getting feedback on how this might be developed further. We also very much want to develop the staff view of Gradesplus, we’ve already been given some ideas for this from those involved in the pilot but we’d like to hear from as many users as possible. What would you like to see? What would be useful to your students? 

We have set up a special discussion forum in our E-Learning Practitioner’s Group on QMplus Hub to discuss this new development and the future direction it might take. Any member of staff can join the group and join in the conversation there. 



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