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Technology Enhanced Learning Team

2020 QMplus Annual Summer Upgrade (continued)

Delayed April release

The upgrade will include changes that were due in April but delayed because of the QMplus migration to Azure Cloud.

QMplus April 2020 Release

Theme changes to take account of Moodle 3.7 & 3.8

Nothing that should affect the end user. Our third party provider are also working on accessibility changes for the September release.

Changes to QM’s custom developments

Assessment Info (AI) Block

  • This is now the only means of creating an AI tab i.e there will be no option for the AI tab in Course Settings
  • Once you add the AI block it automatically appears as a tab
  • If you roll over a course with the old AI tab it will be automatically converted to the AI block/tab

More information on the AI block

Extra tabs

  • Like the old AI tab (see above) these are being discontinued and there will be no option to create them in Course Settings
  • If you roll over a course with extra tabs they will be automatically converted to standard tabs

Organising QMplus course content into tabs

Extensions to Questionnaire/Module evaluations

Course Formats

There is now one format ‘Topics’ combining Topics and Collapsed topics. The collapsibility or not of a format is  selected in Course settings.

Changing the look of your course with formats

Improvements to Simple Course Creator & Course Creation Wizard

  • Removal of AI tab option from course settings (see above)
  • Once the Course creation Wizard process has completed you are taken to the new course

New 3rd party plugins

Embeddable Moodle quiz questions (from OU)

It is now possible to embed individual quiz questions wherever you wish in a QMplus resource e.g on a page.

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