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Technology Enhanced Learning Team

QMplus known issues – December Release 2020

On Tuesday the 15th December, between 9pm-11pm, updates were made to QMplus. This update fixed some outstanding issues to QMplus and added a few new functionality.

Issues fixed in this release

    • Assignments displaying as late in the assessment information block
      Issue: Students are seeing assignments displayed as late, when the due date has not passed. Occurs for students only.
      Status: This has been resolved and will be applied with the December release.
    • Intermittent issue with backing up and restoring quizzes
      Issue: problems when backing up and restoring quizzes
      Status: Requires an update to the version of Moodle (to version 3.8.5). Requires an outage to QMplus and will be applied with the December release.
    • Anonymous posting to forums
      Issue: The anonymous posting option is not available.
      Status: The Open Advanced forum will be installed as an alternative forum option, as it offers anonymous forum posting.
    • Privacy issue with group posts on forums
      Issue: In some cases users can click through on the forum posts and see participant details
      Status: Student permission changes required. This will be applied with the December release.
    • Timetable link not working for staff
      Issue: The timetable link is not working for staff.
      Status: Updates are required in the Timetable system Scientia and the QMplus script will need to be updated after. Planned for next release. This will be applied with the December release.
    • Assignment badges:
      Issue: Badges that provide information under assignments do not show the correct number of submissions due when group submissions settings are in use.
      Status: This has been resolved. Also Information about restrictions will now be displayed above the assignment due date. This will be applied with the December release.
    • Unenrolment of suspended users:
      Issue: Suspended SITS enrolments cannot be unenrolled.
      Status: This has now been resolved through bulk unenrolment and will be applied with the December release.

New features

    • Group Members – Add this resource to QMplus areas to allow students to see which groups they are a member of.
    • Bulk download of quiz attachments – Allows the bulk download of attachments which have been submitted to essay type questions in quizzes.

Outstanding issues

Issues and plugin requests which are still being worked on:

  • Gradebook times out
    Issue: Intermittent issue occurs for administrators.
    Status: Requires further investigation
  • Numbas – Further development and testing required.
  • Coderunner – Further development and testing required. Expected to be available in January.
  • My Feedback – Further development and testing required.
  • Heatmap – Further development and testing required.
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