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Technology Enhanced Learning Team

QMplus October 2020 updates

There are some known issues affecting all users of QMplus which are being work on. We hope to have them resolved soon.

On Friday, the 16th October 2020 at 8:30am, there will be an update applied to QMplus to address some issues as described below

QMplus known bugs, as of October 2020

  1. Search function stops midway
    Issue: Search function only allows a few characters to be typed and then it freezes. An update has also been added – the cursor will move directly to the Search box once the search icon is clicked. (contact: Synergy)
    Status: This has been resolved and will be applied with the next QMplus updates.
  2. Availability button not displaying information
    Issue: When clicked, the availability button should display to users any restrictions that have been placed on activities or resources – such as whether the activity is hidden or only available to a certain group. Currently nothing happens when the availability button is clicked.
    Status: This has been resolved and will be applied with the next QMplus updates.
    (Contact: Synergy)
  3. Sharing cart intermittent issues
    Issue: Users have reported receiving an error message when using the Sharing Cart plugin –
    Error message – Required capabilities missing: moodle/restore:restorecourse, moodle/restore:restoreactivity. This is an intermittent issue.
    Status: This has been resolved in an updated version of the plugin and will be applied with the next QMplus updates.
  4. Assessment information block (assignments displaying as late)
    Issue: Students are seeing assignments displayed as late, when the due date has not passed. Occurs for students only.
    Status: This has been resolved and will be applied with the next QMplus updates.
  5. Assessment information block – intermittent (not always showing new assignments)
    Issue: When creating a new Assessment through the AI block it is actually created correctly in the related topic (“Generated by Assessment Information block”) – but it is NOT always shown in the AI block itself.
    Status: This has been resolved and will be applied with the next QMplus updates.
  6. Topic 0 content disappearing (workaround available – see conversation here)
    Issue: Content missing in top section of QMplus module (topic 0) – has to do with collapsing and showing all topics.
    Status: This has been resolved and will be applied with the next QMplus updates.
  7. Upcoming events widget 
    Issue: does not include the event date
    Status: This has been resolved and will be applied with the next QMplus updates.
  8. Assignment widget on dashboard
    Issue: The widget was causing some users to experience login issues and had been disabled while investigated.
    Status: This has been resolved and will be applied with the next QMplus updates.
  9. Quizzes intermittent issue
    Issue: problems when backing up and restoring quizzes
    Status: Requires an update to the version of Moodle (to version 3.8.5). Requires an outage to QMplus. To be scheduled.
  10. Anonymous posting to forums
    Issue: The anonymous posting option is not available.
    Status: This is an external plugin and has not been updated. Looking at other forums as an alternative.
  11. Gradebook times out
    Issue: Intermittent issue occurs for administrators.
    Status: Requires further investigation

To see a full list of all current outstanding issues and their status, please log in to view our tracker in Jira.

  1. Click on this link –
  2. Log into identity check
  3. Click on the ‘Projects’ link from top menu
  4. Click ‘View all projects’
  5. Click ‘QMplus’ link
  6. Switch filter to ‘all issues’
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