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Technology Enhanced Learning Team

September 2020 Release

We will be updating QMplus on Tuesday 8th September . This release fixes a number of known issues, fixes some accessibility issues and brings some new features.

Bug fixes

  • Blackboard Collaborate – issue with participants displayed as numbers instead of names.
    Please note: Module Conveners will need to re-create any Blackboard Collaborate sessions after the 8th September update for this issue to be resolved. The problem will persist for sessions created before the update.
  • Course Creation Wizard – various issues fixed – this feature is only available to QMplus administrators
  • Collapsed topics format – the state of the topic is now saved
  • Assessment Information block inconsistencies
  • Gradesplus – feedback and histogram not displaying
  • Print book – only printing first page
  • Completion of transformation of old assessment info tab to latest version
  • Display issues with:
    • Choice activity
    • Enrol user page
    • Text editor
    • Book icon colour
    • Grey box on course page in some browsers

Issues requiring workarounds

  1. Assessment Information block is not showing new assessments.
    Cause: The “Generated by AI” topic is not the last topic in the course. This happens if the Assessment Info block is added via a template or before the course content is fully created.
    Fix: Any sections below the “Generated By” section must be moved above it.
  2. Problems with editing on template based courses – most usually this manifests as QMplus automatically turning editing off as you are trying to edit your QMplus area.
    Cause: Presence of the Q-Review tab in template used to bulk copy courses (applies to earlier versions of templates)
    Fix: Remove the Q-Review tab from any course with this issue and then add it back if required.

Accessibility updates

  • The QMplus home page and dashboard can be accessed and navigated using the keyboard
  • Using the Tab key moves in a logical sequence while navigating homepage or dashboard
  • Modules can be searched and accessed by keyboard

New features

  • Attendance activity – Allows staff or students to be able to register attendance, and for students to be able to view their own attendance record. Find out more about this on the Attendance activity page on the MoodleDocs website
  • Learning Science resources for Chemistry and Biosciences
  • New grading report – It is now possible to produce a report (.csv) showing the status of all assignment grades whether released to the Gradebook or not. It is available from Course Settings/Reports/Assignment Grades.
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