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Technology Enhanced Learning Team

2021 QMplus upgrade and Migration

This page contains information about the annual QMplus summer upgrade from the current Moodle 3.8 version to the newer Moodle 3.9 version as well as the migration to a new host. This page will be updated as we get closer to the upgrade dates.

Important Dates

QMplus Annual Summer Upgrade - Tuesday 13th July 2021, 9pm-midnight

  • The upgrade incorporates features of Moodle 3.9, some internal developments and bug fixes.

Some new features to QMplus in 13 July upgrade

  • New Activity Chooser - Easily locate, star and view recommended items in an improved Activity chooser.
  • New participant filters - Search for and filter participants more efficiently.
  • New 'copy course' feature for administrators
  • New, more accessible 'turn editing on' button and settings
  • New 'back to top' feature on longer pages
  • New activity completion progress bar available on QMplus dashboard courses.

QMplus bug fixes & updates scheduled for 13 July upgrade

New Features (QMUL Enhancement)

  • [QMPLUS-336] - Get QMPlus grades to Mahara
  • [QMPLUS-378] - QMplus course overview page - add progress bar to dashboard

Bug fixes

  • [QMPLUS-337] - Sharing Cart - loss of configuration when copying Topics
  • [QMPLUS-351] - Numbered list in label resource - breaks when list is greater than 9.
  • [QMPLUS-408] - Widget Timetable to update for April 2021
  • [QMPLUS-413] - Get rid of scrollbars on embedded H5P content
  • [QMPLUS-423] - Theme issues with Moodle 3.9 for the summer 21 upgrade
  • [QMPLUS-431] - Module info block settings page distorted
  • [QMPLUS-444] - Assignment Badges are still shown for courses with > 999 students but no values are calculated
  • [QMPLUS-456] - Sharing Cart dropdown flowing out of the block
  • [QMPLUS-462] - First name/ surname not visible in UAT
  • [QMPLUS-466] - Cannot see modules under the All Modules tab under the dashboard
  • [QMPLUS-470] - Formatting issue on subpages
  • [QMPLUS-473] - Hidden button text after clicking on button
  • [QMPLUS-479] - Issue when moving topics
  • [QMPLUS-486] - Course links are not working for students in default theme (UAT)
  • [QMPLUS-488] - Quiz review options overlapping formatting
  • [QMPLUS-491] - Incorrect formatting of multiple choice quiz questions


  • [QMPLUS-417] - Accessibility updates to edit button - theme related
  • [QMPLUS-460] - Back to top feature in 3.9 missing on course - to be added
  • [QMPLUS-461] - Upgrade Kaltura plugin to 4.2.9
  • [QMPLUS-474] - Turn off new Moodle H5P integration
  • [QMPLUS-476] - The Activities Calendar button includes the word 'New' - remove.
  • [QMPLUS-493] - Upgrade H5P plugin for Moodle 3.9 upgrade
  • [QMPLUS-443] - QMplus 3.9 - Third-party plugins update
  • [QMPLUS-469] - Remove - filter_jmol
  • [QMPLUS-387] - QMEvaluation module uses deprecated function download_as_dataformat (plugin to be removed)

In progress

[ITS code reference for Jira issue]

QMplus migration to new host - Tuesday 17th August 2021 - all day

 This year, apart from our normal QMplus summer upgrade, QMplus and QMplus Hub will be migrated to a new host, Catalyst, in August. This means that we need to move our current QMplus and QMplus Hub content and data to a new home. 

This final move will be carried out between 7am - 10pm on Tuesday, 17th August and will require some downtime and disruption to normal service during this time.

QMplus and QMplus Hub will be inaccessible for some time while this work is carried out. Therefore we advise users to download any content or material that will be required before the 17th August, so it can viewed offline. 

Some new features coming on QMplus with Moodle 3.9

  • New Activity Chooser
  • New participant filters    
  • New 'copy course' feature for administrators    
  • New Accessible 'Turn Editing On' button with Settings
  • New Activity completion progress bar from QMplus dashboard (if activity completion is switched on within course area)
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