On Tuesday 23rd January, the Technology Enhanced Learning Team played host to a team of 11 staff from TalTech University from Tallin, Estonia. They were in the UK to visit the BETT show at the Excel, but also took time out to visit QMUL.
TalTech, like QM, use the same technologies, Moodle (QMplus) for their VLE and EchoVideo (Q-Review) for lecture capture. They were keen to learn how QM use these technologies as well as sharing their own experience. During the day there were presentations from each team about their respective university's, their learning technologies, structures, and e-learning strategies.
A series of very engaging workshops were also run covering the topics of Q-Review / lecture capture, teaching spaces / AV, student analytics, and learning design. The conversations from these workshops ran on into the lunch break and will probably continue remotely into the future.
In the afternoon our Estonian visitors were treated to a tour of the Mile End campus where we dropped in to see the Robotics Lab, the Geo Spatial Lab, and one of the newer IT group teaching rooms.
The visit was a great success and we will be keeping in touch with our colleagues in Estonia.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the following people who helped to make this day possible. Sharon Pay from ITS, Paul Pandian and Jay Ahmed from the AV design team, Johnny Lee and Jorge Freire from FMD, Kaspar and his PhD students from the Robotics Lab, Jackie Greef and Tom Kelly from the Geo Spatial Lab, Faculty Relationship Managers Sophia Eglin and Philip Goodfellow, Irha Khalid our Student Ambassador tour guide, and of course my colleauges in TELT.
Simon (Durrant)
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