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Advice and Counselling Service


If you are de-registered from your course you will no longer be a student of Queen Mary and will not be able to continue your programme of study. 

Students can be de-registered if they have missed fee payment deadlines or defaulted on fee payment plans, as explained below. However, de-registration can occur for other reasons during the academic year, for example  when exams and re-sits are not passed and no further attempts are possible or for non-attendance on a programme of study.  In this situation, deregistration would be the final option, after an academic school had exhausted all the options to help a student re-engage with their studies.  

Once de-registered you will not be able to use any Queen Mary facilities, attend classes, sit examinations or attend graduation.  

I cannot pay my Tuition Fees, when does deregistration happen? 

Taught Students 

If your course begins in September you must be up to date with your fee payments by the following 31 January.  If you have outstanding tuition fees to pay or you have defaulted on your fee payment plan by this date, you may be included in the Queen Mary deregistration process.  

If you intend to pay your tuition fees using UK Government Student Funding e.g., a Student Finance England Tuition Fee Loan, you will need to have confirmation of your eligibility and entitlement from your funding body by 31 January, and should provide this information to the Queen Mary Fees Office.   

If you are paying your own tuition fees, this means that you must be up to date with payments of your tuition fee installments, in accordance with your payment plan, by 31 January. There will be further installments to pay after that date, but you must have paid the amount owed on your payment plan by 31 January.  

If, by 31 January, you have not  paid your tuition fees that you have agreed to pay, or have not provided evidence of a Student Tuition Fee Loan, Queen Mary will email you to explain the next steps and options to clear the outstanding tuition fee payment.  If you fail to pay by the further deadline stated in the email, you will normally be deregistered. 

Queen Mary will never contact you to make payment by telephone or ask you to move funds to another bank account.  If you are contacted and asked to do this please do not pay and instead contact the Fees Office for Advice on how to pay your tuition fees. Please also read our information about Telephone Criminals targeting students for more information.

Contact the Fees Office to discuss your fee payment options and the amount you are required to pay. The Fees Office are located on the ground floor of the IQ building on Mile End Road or you can contact the Fees Office by email: or telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 7676.

Research Students 

The deregistration process operates differently. You should still be contacted and asked to pay your tuition fees and informed of any de-registration date.  But the dates are different.  Contact the Research Degrees Office if you are contacted about unpaid fees and de-registration. 

I have been de-registered. How can I get reinstated on to my programme of study?  

Taught Students 

If you have been deregistered for non-payment of tuition fees, you may be able to get reinstated on your programme:

  • If you are able to pay your fees and any administrative charges just after you are de-registered, you may be able to appeal and ask to be re-instated.  Information about this option will be provided to you when you are informed of your de-registration. See below.
  • Otherwise, you must pay all of your outstanding tuition fees plus any administrative charges by 31st July in the same year in which you have been deregistered. This will preserve your right to re-join your course and resume your studies at a later date, but no earlier than 12 months following your date of deregistration.  This means the earliest date to re-join will normally be the following February and as you will have paid your tuition fee you will usually have no further tuition fee to pay when you return to study. 

If you cannot pay your outstanding fee by 31st July in the same year, you will not be able to resume your studies.

Contact your School about your options if you have been deregistered for academic reasons

Research Students with unpaid fees

Once Research students pay the outstanding tuition fee + the £250 reinstatement fee, they can be reinstated back onto their course and, unlike taught students, do not have to wait for 12 months to re-join 

Can I appeal or make a complaint about being deregistered for unpaid fees?  

Yes, you may appeal the decision to deregister you but there are strict deadlines.  The correspondence you receive informing you that you have been deregistered for unpaid fees should explain that you have a right of appeal against your deregistration and provide the deadline to submit. 

For an appeal to normally succeed the Tuition Fee should also be paid before the appeal deadline ends.  If the appeal is successful, you would normally be allowed to be reinstated on your course.

However, if you are not looking to reverse the deregistration decision, but wish to complain about other matters such as, for example, the way that your deregistration has been processed, you could consider making a complaint. To find out how to make an appeal or complaint, look at  the information about Student Appeals, Complaints and Conduct Office

The Student Union provide independent advice about making an appeal or complaint.  Contact  the Academic Advice manager Annie Mitchell in the Students Union.

Fees, Funding, Immigration, and other practical matters 

Check the amount of tuition fee you owe 

You will still be liable to pay tuition fees even if you are de-registered.  Contact the Fees Office at if you are unsure of the amount you are required to pay and take a look at our Tuition Fee Implications information.

Consider the impact on your funding 

If you receive UK Government Student Funding, check how this is affected if you are no longer enrolled on your course. We have information on our Financial Support page Student funding payments are likely to stop.  If you were relying on this funding to pay any remaining tuition fee, you may have to consider other options. 

If you receive funding from anywhere else, e.g., your government or other organisation, check with them how your funding will be affected if you are de-registered. 

Find out how your Student visa will be affected

You can find information about this is affected on the Visa implications to a change in your programme.  

Other Practicalities

Read our information about practical implications and access to Queen Mary Services if you are no longer attending a course at Queen Mary. 



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