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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr David Collier

Clinical Director

Centre: Clinical Research Centre, Clinical Pharmacology and Precision Medicine

Telephone: +44(0) 20 7882 5666


ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0866-4058

David is interested in recruitment and patient engagement and ran the successful “Future of Clinical Trials in the UK?” meeting in 2008 and “Everything you wanted to know about clinical trials but were too afraid to ask” for PCRN and Barts NIHR Cardiovascular BRU in 2011. Clinical Trials- Sharing Our Stories in July 2013 included trials patients, U3A members and co-ordinators, health psychology undergraduates from Florida State University, and sixth form students from a wide area under the banner of Trials Connect.

He is co-holder of an MRC programme grant examining recruitment methods for clinical trials (START) with the NIHR PCRN Research Recruitment Methods Group (ResRecMG), and is part of the NIHR Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit at Barts and The London.

David founded the East London spoke for the Primary Care Research Network for Greater London (PCRN-GL).

Renal Denervation with Dr Mel Lobo was a UK first in 2010 which yielded both a front page banner headline in the Daily Telegraph and National TV news on News at 6 O’clock and News at Ten for Dr Lobo and Fred Quatromini.

The first case in the world of renal sympathetic nerve denervation to bilateral renal arteries was done here as part of this study cohort.The subsequent publication in the Lancet for Dr Lobo and Professor Caulfield for Symplicity 2

Patients presented with David to the audience at both of the National Symposia on Renal Denervation – the first in October 2011 (Fred Quatromini), the second in 2012 (Sheila Milson and Anthony Henry), both at the Royal College of Physicians.

After the First UK Symposium on Renal Denervation in 2011, there was an initial meeting of the Joint British Societies to develop guidelines for renal denervation. Subsequent meetings developed a consensus statement and two of our patients, John Bold and Anthony Henry, contributed to meeting discussions and provided comments on the statement, especially with reference to the suggested patient information sheet for the procedure. 



Dr David Collier is Research Fellow and Joint Clinical Director of the William Harvey Research Institute Clinical Research Centre. Now based at the Heart Centre at Barts, David ran the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcome Trial (ASCOT) team for Professor Caulfield at Barts/London, which broke the national record for recruitment into such a trial (recruiting 1157 patients). As top academic recruiters for several studies across over a decade, this team has contributed to high-impact work such as ILLUMINATE, with 148 patients (NEJM 2007 Barter, Caulfield et al ).

ASCOT became a landmark trial and precipitated the development of joint NICE/BHS guidelines for hypertension after the publication of the Blood Pressure Lowering Arm (BPLA) in the Lancet in 2005 (prior to this time there had been separate NICE and BHS (British Hypertension Society) Guidelines on the treatment of hypertension in the UK- which had been unhelpful.

ASCOT impacted the lipid guidance from NICE on statin use in primary prevention of ischaemic heart disease and stroke- bringing routine use of statins for people at elevated absolute risk, regardless of starting levels of cholesterol.

The experience of ASCOT and local GP’s reactions to it such as “what did you do with Mrs Smith that I hadn’t done- you got her pressure down?” led David to obtain initial funds as unconditional educational grants from rival pharma companies Pfizer and Merck and to design HiLo, a health services intervention trial. Having designed the trial interventions with Dr Catherine Will (then Cambridge, now University of Sussex) and piloted them at Chrisp Street in Limehouse, the design was developed with Dr John Robson and Prof Sandra Eldridge. 

Key Publications

Full list of publications

  • Collier DJ; Poulter NR; Dahlöf B; Sever PS; Wedel H; Buch J; Caulfield MJ; ASCOT Investigators. (Mar 2011). Impact of atorvastatin among older and younger patients in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial Lipid-Lowering Arm. J Hypertens. 29:592-599. DOI.
  • Collier DJ; Poulter NR; Dahlöf B; Sever PS; Wedel H; Buch J; Caulfield MJ; ASCOT Investigators. (Mar 2011). Impact of amlodipine-based therapy among older and younger patients in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial-Blood Pressure Lowering Arm (ASCOT-BPLA). J Hypertens. 29:583-591. DOI.
  • Gupta AK; Poulter NR; Dobson J; Eldridge S; Cappuccio FP; Caulfield M; Collier D; Cruickshank JK; et al. (Sep 2010).Ethnic differences in blood pressure response to first and second-line antihypertensive therapies in patients randomized in the ASCOT Trial. Am J Hypertens. 23:1023-1030. DOI.
  • Graffy J, Bower P, Ward E, Wallace P, Delaney B, Kinmonth AL, Collier D, Miller J. Trials within trials? Researcher, funder and ethical perspectives on the practicality and acceptability of nesting trials of recruitment methods in existing primary care trials. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2010; 10(1) : 38.
  • Williams B, Lacy PS, Cruickshank JK, Collier D, Hughes AD, Stanton A, Thom S, Thurston H; CAFE and ASCOT Investigators. Impact of statin therapy on central aortic pressures and hemodynamics: principal results of the Conduit Artery Function Evaluation-Lipid-Lowering Arm (CAFE-LLA) Study. Circulation. 2009 Jan 6;119(1):9-12.
  • Mohammed I. Hawa, Charles Thivolet, Didac Mauricio, Irene Alemanno, Elisa Cipponeri, David Collier, Steven Hunter, Raffaella Buzzetti, Alberto de Leiva, Paolo Pozzilli, Richard David G. Leslie, and on behalf of the Action LADA Group Metabolic Syndrome and Autoimmune Diabetes: Action LADA 3
    Diabetes Care. 2009 January; 32(1): 160–164. doi: 10.2337/dc08-1419. PMCID: PMC2606853
  • Collier DJ, Nickol AH, Milledge JS, van Ruiten HJ, Collier CJ, Swenson ER, Datta A, Wolff CB. Alveolar PCO2 oscillations and ventilation at sea level and at high altitude.
    J Appl Physiol. 2008 Feb;104(2):404-15. Epub 2007 Oct 25. PMID: 17962582
  • Mytton OT, Simpson A, Thompson AA, Oram RA, Darowski A, Yu LM, Collier DJ, Pollard AJ. Manual assessment of the initial fall in blood pressure after orthostatic challenge at high altitude. Wilderness Environ Med. 2008 Winter;19(4):225-32.PMID: 19099326
  • Wolff CB, Thake CD, Truesdell A, Mattison D, Handcock L, Collier DJ, Milledge JS.
    Oxygen delivery at sea level and altitude (after slow ascent to 5000 meters), at rest and in mild exercise.
    Adv Exp Med Biol. 2007;599:191-7. PMID: 17727264 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
  • Williams B, Lacy PS, Thom SM, Cruickshank K, Stanton A, Collier D, Hughes AD, Thurston H, O'Rourke M; CAFE Investigators; Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial Investigators; CAFE Steering Committee and Writing Committee. Differential impact of blood pressure-lowering drugs on central aortic pressure and clinical outcomes: principal results of the Conduit Artery Function Evaluation (CAFE) study. Circulation. 2006 Mar 7;113(9):1213-25. Epub 2006 Feb 13. PMID: 16476843 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
  • Annabel H. Nickol, Juliette Leverment, Paul Richards, Philippa Seal, Greg A. Harris, Jenifer Cleland, Gerald Dubowitz, David J. Collier, James Milledge, John R. Stradling, Mary J. Morrell (2006) Temazepam at high altitude reduces periodic breathing without impairing next-day performance: a randomized cross-over double-blind study
    Journal of Sleep Research 15 (4) , 445–454 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2869.2006.00558.x
  • C.B. Wolff, S.K. Checkley, G. Bhageerutty, H. Bhatt, A. Johnston and D.J. Collier et al., Circulation time in man from lung to periphery as an indirect index of cardiac output, Adv Exp Med Biol 566 (2005), pp. 311–316.
  • Wilson S, Johnston A, Robson J, Poulter N, Collier D, Feder G, Caulfield MJ. Comparison of methods to identify individuals at increased risk of coronary disease from the general population. BMJ. 2003 Jun 28;326(7404):1436 -1438B DOI: 10.1136/bmj.326.7404.1436 Published: JUN 28 2003
  • Wilson S, Johnston A, Robson J, Poulter NR, Collier DJ, Feder GS, Caulfield MJ. Predicting coronary risk in the general population--is it necessary to measure
    high-density lipoprotein cholesterol? J Cardiovasc Risk. 2003 Apr;10(2):137-41.
  • Bailey DM, Davies B, Castell LM, Collier DJ, Milledge JS, Hullin DA, Seddon PS, Young IS.
    Symptoms of infection and acute mountain sickness; associated metabolic sequelae and problems in differential diagnosis. High Alt Med Biol. 2003 Fall;4(3):319-31.PMID: 14561237
  • Silber E, Sonnenberg P, Collier DJ, Pollard AJ, Murdoch DR, Goadsby PJ. Clinical Features of headache at altitude: a prospective study. Neurology. 2003; 60(7): 1167-71.
  • Woods DR, Pollard AJ, Collier DJ, Jamshidi Y, Vassiliou V, Hawe E, Humphries S, Montgomery HE. Insertion/deletion polymorphism of the angiotensinogen I-converting enzyme gene and arterial oxygen saturation at high altitude. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2002; 166: 362-366.
  • Wolff CB, Barry P, Collier DJ. Cardiovascular and respiratory adjustments at altitude sustain cerebral oxygen delivery. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2002 May;132(1):221-9.
  • Wilson CM, Bakewell SE, Miller MR, Hart ND, McMorrow RC, Barry PW, Collier DJ, Watt SJ, Pollard AJ. Increased resting bronchial tone in normal subjects acclimatised to altitude.
    Thorax 2002;57:400-404
  • Collier DJ, Bernardi L, Angell-James JE, Caulfield MJ, Sleight P; Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial. Baroreflex sensitivity and heart rate variability as predictors of
    cardiovascular outcome in hypertensive patients with multiple risk factors for
    coronary disease. J Hum Hypertens. 2001 Aug;15 Suppl 1:S57-60..
  • Kirby PL, Caulfield MC, Collier DJ, Eldridge S, Griffiths CG, Hemingway H, Poulter NR, Feder GS; Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial. Differential response to amlodipine and atenolol mono-therapy for hypertension by ethnic group. J Hum Hypertens. 2001 Aug;15 Suppl 1:S61-4.
  • Wilson S, Collier D, Johnston A, Poulter N, Feder G, Robson J, Caulfield M; Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial. Evaluation of cardiovascular risk equations using the ASCOT cohort. J Hum Hypertens. 2001 Aug;15 Suppl 1:S31-3..
  • Mason NP, Barry PW, Pollard AJ, Collier DJ, Taub NA, Miller MR, Milledge JS. Serial changes in spirometry during an ascent to 5,300 m in the Nepalese Himalayas. High Alt Med Biol. 2000 Fall;1(3):185-95.
  • Arden, G.B., Wolf ,J.E., Collier,D J., Wolff,C.B. and Rosenberg,M. (1999) Dark adaptation is impaired in diabetics before photopic visual losses can be seen. Can hypoxia of rods contribute to diabetic retinopathy? In, XVIth International Symposium on Retinal degenerations: Retinal Degenerative Diseases and Experimental Therapies. Ed., Hollyfield, JG, Anderson, RE and LaVail, MM, New York, Plenum.
  • The genetic basis of hypertension: progress and opportunities Author(s): Caulfield, M (Caulfield, M); Collier, D (Collier, D); O'Byrne, S (O'Byrne, S) Source: HOSPITAL MEDICINE Volume: 59 Issue: 1 Pages: 37-40 Published: JAN 1998
  • Pollard AJ, Barry PW, Mason NP, Collier DJ, Pollard RC, Pollard PF, Martin I, Fraser RS, Miller MR, Milledge JS. Hypoxia, hypocapnia and spirometry at altitude.
    Clin Sci (Lond). 1997 Jun;92(6):593-8. Erratum in: Clin Sci (Colch) 1997 Dec;93(6):611. PMID: 9205420
  • Pollard AJ, Mason NP, Barry PW, Pollard RC, Collier DJ, Fraser RS, Miller MR, Milledge JS. Effect of altitude on spirometric parameters and the performance of peak flow meters.
    Thorax. 1996 Feb;51(2):175-8.PMID: 8711651 Collier DJ, Beales IL. Drinking among medical students: a questionnaire survey. BMJ. 1989 Jul 1;299(6690):19-22.


  • Zamri Chik1,2, Arthur T Tucker1,3, Julian I Shiel1, David J Collier1, David Perrett1, Terrence D Lee4 and Atholl Johnston1 Comparative Pharmacokinetic Assessments of Topical Drugs: Evaluation by Dermatopharmacokinetics, Microdialysis, and Systemic Measurement Journal of Investigative Dermatology advance online publication 12 August 2010; doi: 10.1038/jid.2010.212

Abstracts (partial list only)

  • Collier, DJ, Stride, TJ, He, S et al. (2009) Impact of Lifestyle Changes During Five Years of Drug Treatment in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT). Conference: 58th Annual Scientific Session of the American-College-of-Cardiology (Orlando, FL) from: 28/03/2009 to: 31/03/2009, vol. 53, A215-A215.
  • Hawa, MI, Cipponeri, E, Collier, D et al. (2008) The prevalence of metabolic syndrome is much less in LADA and type 1 diabetes than type 2 diabetes: ACTION LADA 3. DIABETOLOGIA vol. 51, S155-S155.
  • Collier, DJ, Davies, LC, Bernardi, L et al. (2007) Baroreceptor function changes with differing blood pressure treatment during the anglo-scandinavian cardiac outcomes trial: principal results from the cardiac autonomic reflex assessment trial (CARAT). J HUM HYPERTENS vol. 21, (10) 846-847.
  • Collier, D, Davies, L, Bernardi, L et al. (2007) Baroreceptor function changes with differing blood pressure treatment during the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial: Principal results from the Cardiac Autonomic Reflex Assessment Trial (CARAT). Conference: 17th European Meeting on Hypertension (Milan, ITALY) from: 15/06/2007 to: 19/06/2007, vol. 25, S292-S292.
  • Collier, D, Arunachalam, G, Johnston, A et al. (2007) Continuing reduction of microalbuminuria and proteinuria during follow-up for the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial dominance of duration and blood pressure over other effects. Conference: 17th European Meeting on Hypertension (Milan, ITALY) from: 15/06/2007 to: 19/06/2007, vol. 25, S150-S150
  • Should we measure high density lipoprotein cholesterol in people with hypertension?
    Author(s): Wilson, S; Johnston, A; Robson, J; et al.
    Conference: 19th Meeting of the International-Society-for-Hypertension/12th European-Society-of-Hypertension Meeting Location: PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC Date: JUN 23-27, 2002
    Sponsor(s): Int Soc Hypertens; European Soc Hypertens
    Source: JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION Volume: 20 Supplement: 4 Pages: S150-S150 Meeting Abstract: P619 Published: JUN 2002
  • Feasibility of enrolling patients to hypertension outcome trials based on an assessment of their cardiovascular risk
    Author(s): Wilson, S; Johnston, A; Collier, DJ; et al.
    Conference: Meeting of the British-Pharmacological-Society-Clinical-Pharmacology-Section Location: ENGLAND Date: JAN 07-10, 2003
    Sponsor(s): British Pharmacol Soc Clin Pharmacol Sect
    Source: BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY Volume: 55 Issue: 4 Pages: 425-426 Published: APR 2003
  • Did older or younger patients benefit more from amlodipine based vs atenolol based therapy in ASCOT-BPLA?
    Author(s): Collier, David J.; Caulfield, Mark J.; Poulter, Neil R.; et al.
    Conference: 79th Annual Scientific Session of the American-Heart-Association Location: Chicago, IL Date: NOV 12-15, 2006
    Sponsor(s): Amer Heart Assoc
    Source: CIRCULATION Volume: 114 Issue: 18 Pages: 896-896 Published: OCT 31 2006
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