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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Francesca Pugliese


Reader in Radiology (HCC) and Consultant in Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging

Centre: NIHR Advanced Imaging

Telephone: +44(0) 20 7882 6906


ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7497-6266

I qualified from Medical School of University of Genoa in 2000. My clinical training in imaging took place in Genoa. I was awarded my certificate of completion of speciality training in 2004. I then joined the non-invasive cardiac imaging group at the Thoraxcentre/Erasmus MC University Medical Centre Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and received my PhD with honors in 2008 entitled “Computed tomography of the coronary arteries”. Supported by a grant from the European Society of Cardiology, I moved to the UK in 2008. Since then I have worked for the Royal Brompton hospital and in the Cardiology group of the Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College London, at Hammersmith Hospital, in cardiovascular hybrid imaging (PET/CT). After contributing to the clinical service of the Essex Cardiothoracic Centre in Essex in 2009, I joined the Centre for Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging and the NIHR Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit at Barts as a Senior Clinical Lecturer in May 2010.

My main clinical and research interests are technical and clinical aspects related to non-invasive cardiac imaging (cardiac computed tomography, cardiac magnetic resonance, nuclear cardiology) in a range of heart conditions. I am a member of the Nucleus of the Working Group in Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT of the ESC, an executive committee member of the British Society of Cardiovascular Imaging and a Specialist Committee Member for NICE Diagnostic Assessment Programme.



My research interests are directed towards the development, technical optimization and clinical implementation of multimodal non-invasive imaging, including computed tomography, positron emission tomography/hybrid imaging and magnetic resonance imaging in a range of heart conditions with a focus on ischaemic heart disease.


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Key Publications

Full list of publications

  • Genders T, Steyerberg E, Alkhadi H, Pugliese F, Petersen SE, Davies LC, Hunink MGM (CAD Consortium). A Prediction Model for the Presence of Coronary Artery Disease: a pooled analysis of existing cohorts. The British Medical Journal (BMJ) 2012; 344:e3485.
  • Genders TS, Steyerberg, EW, Alkadhi H, Pugliese F, Hunink MG (CAD Consortium). A clinical prediction rule for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease: validation, updating, and extension. Eur Heart J 2011; 32(11):1316-1330. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehr014
  • Lamare F, Hinz R, Gaemperli O, Pugliese F, Mason JC, Spinks T, Camici PG, Rimoldi OE. Detection and quantification of large-vessel inflammation with 11C-(R)-PK11195 PET/CT. J Nucl Med 2011; 52(1):33-39. doi:10.2967/jnumed.110.079038
  • Pugliese F, Gaemperli O, Kinderlerer AR, Lamare F, Shalhoub J, Davies AH, Rimoldi OE, Mason JC, Camici PG. Imaging of Vascular Inflammation with [11C]-PK11195 and PET/CT Angiography. J Am Coll Cardiol 2010; 56(8):653- 661.
  • Ferrante G, Pugliese F, Di Mario C. Jugular venous pressure: a cardinal sign. The Lancet 2010; 376(9743):802-802. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61502-6
  • Pugliese F. Gadolinium-enhanced coronary CT angiography: improved safety? Heart 2010; 96(19):1513-1515. doi:10.1136/hrt.2010.195180
  • Pugliese F, Hunink MGM, Gruszczynska K, Alberghina F, Malago’ R, van Pelt N, Mollet NR, Cademartiri F, Weustink A, Meijboom WB, Witteman C, de Feyter PJ, Krestin GP. Multislice Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography: Effect of Experience and Training on Reader Performance. Radiology 2009; 251(2):359-368. doi:10.1148/radiol.2512080384
  • Ramcharitar S, Pugliese F, Schultz C, Ligthart J, de Feyter P, Li H, Mollet N., van de Ent, M, Serruys, PW, van Geuns, RJ. Integration of Multislice Computed Tomography With Magnetic Navigation Facilitates Percutaneous Coronary Interventions Without Additional Contrast Agents. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009; 53(9):741-746. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2008.10.050
  • Weustink AC, Nieman K, Pugliese F, Mollet NR, Meijboom BW, van Mieghem C, ten Kate GJ, Cademartiri F, Krestin GP, de Feyter PJ. Diagnostic Accuracy of Computed Tomography Angiography in Patients After Bypass Grafting Comparison With Invasive Coronary Angiography. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2009; 2(7):816-824. doi:10.1016/j.jcmg.2009.02.010
  • Pugliese F, Mollet NR, Hunink MG, van Domburg R, Nieman K, van Mieghem C, de Feyter PJ, Krestin GP. Diagnostic accuracy of coronary CT angiography with different generation scanners. Single-centre experience. Radiology 2008; 246(2):384-393. doi:10.1148/radio1.2462070113
  • Pugliese F, Weustink AC, Van Mieghem C, Alberghina F, Otsuka M, Meijboom WB, Van Pelt N, Mollet NR, Cademartiri F, Krestin GP, Hunink MGM, de Feyter PJ. Dual-source coronary computed tomography angiography for detecting instent restenosis. Heart 2008; 94(7):848-854. doi:10.1136/hrt.2007.126474 
  • Pugliese F, Mollet NR, Runza G, van Mieghem C, Meijboom WB, Malagutti P, Baks T, Krestin GP, deFeyter PJ, Cademartiri F. Diagnostic accuracy of non-invasive 64-slice CT coronary angiography in patients with stable angina pectoris. Eur Radiol 2006; 16(3):575-582. doi:10.1007/s00330-005-0041-0


Prof Magdi Yaqoob (WHRI); Dr Andrew Wragg; Dr Saidi Mohiddin; Dr Fabrizio Smeraldi; Dr Lourdes Agapito (London, UK); Dr Damini Dey (Los Angeles, CA); Dr Alexia Rossi; Prof Pim J de Feyter; Prof MG Myriam Hunink (Rotterdam, NL); Joerg  Hausleiter (Munich, DE); Prof Hans-Erik Boetker; Dr Bjarne Linde-Norgaard (Arhus, DK); Prof Joerg Hausleiter

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