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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Professor Zudin Puthucheary


Professor of Intensive Care Medicine

Centre: Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine Group

Telephone: +44(0) 20 3594 0319
Twitter: @Zudin_P


ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4267-1892

Zudin graduated from Nottingham University in 1997, and moved to London post MRCP in 2000. Following a 3-year stint in Sydney, he started his Respiratory training in Bristol, before completing his critical care training in London. His research focusses on acquired functional disability, and the use of metabolic, nutritional and exercise interventions to prevent and treat muscle. Zudin is a nationally elected Council member of the Intensive Care Society (UK) and a trustee for the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death.

His work on acute muscle wasting has won awards from the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine , European Society of Anaesthesia, the British Thoracic Society, the Intensive Care Society, The American Society of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition and Zudin was named a Global Rising Star by the Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Society. He setup and chaired the UK National Post-Intensive Care Rehabilitation Collaborative until 2023, a multi-professional cross-disciplinary group focussing on rehabilitation and restitution of critical illness survivors.


Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine Group

Our research is focussed on both primary and secondary prevention of acquired functional disability following critical illness. We are primarily focussed on physical disability- loss of muscle mass and the resultant decrease in physical activity, and attempts to modify this using metabolic, nutritional and exercise interventions. In addition, we seek to understand the patient population in terms of pre-existing multi-morbidity and frailty as important predisposing factors to disability, and as limiters to functional recovery. We continue to develop and refine tools for both identifying (biological signatures) and assessing (e.g the PICUPS tool) new functional disability.

Key Publications

Full list of publications

  1. Puthucheary ZA, Rawal J, McPhail M, Connolly B, Ratnayake G, Chan P, Hopkinson N, Padhke R, Dew T, Sidhu PS, Velloso C, Seymour J, Agley CC, Selby A, Limb M , Edwards L,Smith K, Rowlerson  A, Rennie MJ, Moxham J,  and Harridge SDR,  Hart N, Montgomery HE. “Acute skeletal muscle wasting in critical illness” JAMA (2013). 310(15): p. 1591-600.
  2. Angela McNelly, Anne Langan, Danielle E. Bear, Alexandria Page, Tim Martin, Fatima Seidu, Filipa Santos, Kieron Rooney, Kaifeng Liang, Simon J Heales, Tomas Baldwin, Isabelle Alldritt, Hannah Crossland, Philip J. Atherton, Daniel Wilkinson, Hugh Montgomery, John Prowle, Rupert Pearse, Simon Eaton and Zudin A. Puthucheary.” Alternative Substrates in the Critically Ill Subject (ASICS): A Randomised Pilot Study to Assess the Safety, Feasibility, Tolerability and Metabolic Profiling of a Novel Ketogenic Feed” Nature Communications (2023)
  3. Jameson TSO, Caldow MK, Stephens F, Denehy L, Lynch GS , Koopman R, Krajcova A, Urban T,  and Berney S, Duska F, Puthucheary Z “Inflammation and altered metabolism impede efficacy of Functional Electrical Stimulation in critically ill patients”. Crit Care (2023)  
  4. Davies TW, van Gassel RJJ, van de Poll M, Gunst, J, Casaer MP, Christopher KB, Preiser JC, Hill A, Gundogan K, Reintam-Blaser A, Rousseau A.-F. Hodgson C, Needham DM, Castro M, Schaller S, McClelland T Pilkington JJ, Sevin CM, Wischmeyer PE, Lee ZY, Govil D24, Li A,  Chapple L, Denehy L, Montejo-González JC, Taylor B, Bear DE, Pearse R, McNelly A, Prowle J, Puthucheary ZA “Core Outcome Measures for Clinical Effectiveness Trials of Nutritional and Metabolic Interventions in Critical Illness: An International Modified Delphi Consensus Study Evaluation (CONCISE)” Crit Care (2022) 26:240  
  5. Angela S. McNelly, Danielle E. Bear, Bronwen A. Connolly, Gill Arbane, Laura Allum, , Azhar Tarbhai, Jackie A. Cooper, Philip A. Hopkins, Matthew P. Wise, David Brealey, Kieron Rooney, Jason Cupitt, Bryan Carr, Kiran Koelfat, Steven Olde Damink, Philip J. Atherton, Nicholas Hart, Hugh E. Montgomery and Zudin A. Puthucheary “Effect of intermittent or continuous feed on muscle wasting in critical illness: a randomised trial” Chest 2020;158(1):183-94.
  6. Zudin A Puthucheary; Ronan Astin; Mark M McPhail; Saeed S; Pasha  Y; Bear DE; Constantin D; Velloso C; Manning S; Calvert L; Mervyn Singer;  Rachel L Batterham; Gomez-Romero M; Holmes E; Steiner M; Atherton PJ; Paul Greenhaff; Lindsay Edwards;  Smith K; and Stephen D Harridge; Nicholas Hart; Hugh E Montgomery.” The metabolic phenotype of skeletal muscle in early critical illness” Thorax 2018 ;73:926-935.
  7. Ryan W. Haines, John R. Prowle, Andrew Day, Danielle E. Bear, Daren K. Heyland, Zudin Puthucheary, “Association Between Urea Trajectory and Protein Dose in Critically Ill Adults: A Secondary Exploratory Analysis of the EFFORT Protein Trial (RE-EFFORT).” Crit Care 2024 



Dr John Prowle; Prof Gareth Ackland; Prof Andrew Prendegast; Prof Aylin Basan; Prof Sian Henson, Prof Adina Michael-Titus



Profs Linda Denehey and Sue Berney (University of Melbourne); Prof Stephen Olde Damick (University of Maastricht); Sepsis and Critical Illness Research Centre (University of Florida); Dr Louise Thwaites (Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam) 


Medical Research Council/Arthritis Research UK Centre of excellence for musculoskeletal ageing research (University of Nottingham); Centre of Human and Aerospace Physiological Sciences (Kings College London); Centre for Human Health and Performance (University College London)


  • GlaxoSmithKline - Specialist Advisory Board for muscle wasting in critical illness
  • Fresunius Kabi - Specialist Advisory Board for functional recovery post-critical illness
  • Lyric Pharmaceuticals - Consultant
  • Faraday Pharmaceuticals - Consultant
  • Nestle - Specialist Advisory Board for muscle wasting in critical illness
  • Nutricia - Specialist Advisory Board for mitochondrial dysfunction in critical illness
  • Bioage - Consultant
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