Full list of publications

  • Impact of metabolic disorders on the structural, functional, and immunological integrity of the blood-brain barrier: Therapeutic avenues. Sheikh MH, Errede M, d'Amati A, Khan NQ, Fanti S, Loiola RA, McArthur S, Purvis GSD, O'Riordan CE, Ferorelli D, Dell'Erba A, Kieswich J, Reutelingsperger C, Maiorano E, Yaqoob M, Thiemermann C, Baragetti A, Catapano AL, Norata GD, Marelli-Berg F, Virgintino D, Solito E. FASEB J. 2022 Jan;36(1):e22107. doi: 10.1096/fj.202101297R.PMID: 34939700
  • The Impact of Ageing on the CNS Immune Response in Alzheimer's Disease. Chee SEJ, Solito E. Front Immunol. 2021 Sep 17;12:738511. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.738511. 2021.PMID: 34603320
  • Preservation of microvascular barrier function requires CD31 receptor-induced metabolic reprogramming. Cheung KCP, Fanti S, Mauro C, Wang G, Nair AS, Fu H, Angeletti S, Spoto S, Fogolari M, Romano F, Aksentijevic D, Liu W, Li B, Cheng L, Jiang L, Vuononvirta J, Poobalasingam TR, Smith DM, Ciccozzi M, Solito E*, Marelli-Berg FM*. Nat Commun. (I.F. 12) 2020 Jul 17; 11(1):3595. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17329
  • Regulation of blood-brain barrier integrity by microbiome-associated methylamines and cognition by trimethylamine N-oxide. Hoyles L, Pontifex MG, Rodriguez-Ramiro I, Anis-Alavi MA, Jelane KS, Snelling T, Solito E, Fonseca S, Carvalho AL, Carding SR, Müller M, Glen RC, Vauzour D, McArthur S. Microbiome. 2021 Nov 27;9(1):235. doi: 10.1186/s40168-021-01181-z.PMID: 34836554
  • Annexin A1 restores cerebrovascular integrity concomitant with reduced amyloid-β and tau pathology. Ries M, Watts H, Mota BC, Lopez MY, Donat CK, Baxan N, Pickering JA, Chau TW, Semmler A, Gurung B, Aleksynas R, Abelleira-Hervas L, Iqbal SJ, Romero-Molina C, Hernandez-Mir G, d'Amati A, Reutelingsperger C, Goldfinger MH, Gentleman SM, Van Leuven F, Solito E*, Sastre M*. Brain. 2021 Jun 22;144(5):1526-1541. doi: 10.1093/brain/awab050.PMID: 3414807
  • Identification of an essential endogenous regulator of blood brain barrier integrity: pathological and therapeutic implications. Cristante, E., McArthur, S., Mauro, C., Maggioli, E., Romero, I.A., Wylezinska-Arridge, M., Couraud, PO., Lopez-Tremoleda, J., Christian, H., Weksler, BB., Malaspina, A., Solito, E. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2013 Jan 15;110(3):832-41
  • Annexin A1: a central player in microglial efferocytosis of apoptotic neurons – implications for neurodegenerative disease, McArthur, S, Cristante, E., Paterno, M., Roncaroli, F., Gillies, GE & Solito E. J. Immunol.185(10):6317-28 (2010)