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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Funding opportunities and events


Barts Charity

  1. Research Project Grants - Barts Charity

    Opens 2 times a year – deadlines this year are 19th June 2024 and 1st October 2024.
    Funding available: £75K to £600K for staff and research costs – can include a PhD studentship.
    Duration: up to 3 years - but up to 4 years if includes a PhD studentship.

British Heart Foundation

1. Daphne Jackson Trust Fellowship

Key points:

To support individuals who want to return to an area of cardiovascular research at any UK university, after a career break of two years or more taken for a family, caring or health reason.

Eligibility: Have PhD and preferably postdoctoral research experience.

Duration: Up to 3 years – can be part-time.

Funding: No limit on amount but will need to be justified – will fund applicant salary and reasonable research project costs, plus training and professional development costs eg. mentoring.

Daphne Jackson Trust:

2. Career Re-entry Research Fellowship

This is an ongoing funding opportunity.  There are no closing dates – outcome decision 6 months after submission.

Key points:

To support individuals who want to return to an area of cardiovascular research at any UK university, after a career break of two years or more taken for a family, caring or health reason.

Eligibility: Have PhD and preferably postdoctoral research experience.

Duration: 4 years – can be part-time - 1 year extension available.

Funding: No limit on amount but will need to be justified – will fund applicant salary, RA or technician, equipment and research project costs - will cover travel costs up to £500 per year.

3. Intermediate Postdoctoral Basic Science Research Fellowship

This is an ongoing funding opportunity. There are no closing dates – outcome decision 6 months after submission.

Key points:

Career Stage: Early Career Researcher

Eligibility: In final year of PhD or no more than 2 years postdoctoral research experience.

Duration: 4 years – can be part-time - no extension available – strongly encourage spend up to 1.5 years overseas or second institution.

Funding: No limit on amount but will need to be justified – will fund applicant salary, equipment and research project costs – will cover travel costs up to £500 per year.

4. Intermediate Basic Science Research Fellowship

This is an ongoing funding opportunity. There are no closing dates – outcome decision 6 months after submission.

Key points:

Career Stage: Early Career Researcher

Eligibility: Usually have at least 3 to 6 years postdoctoral work with a series of first or senior high impact research papers.

Duration: 5 years – can be part-time - 2 year extension available – can spend part of time overseas or second institution, but would need to be justified.

Funding: No limit on amount but will need to be justified – will fund applicant salary, RA or technician, equipment and research project costs – will cover travel costs up to £500 per year.

5. Senior Basic Science Research Fellowship

This is an ongoing funding opportunity. There are no closing dates – outcome decision 6 months after submission.

Key points:

Career Stage: Mid-Career Researcher

Eligibility: Usually at least 6-10 years successful postdoctoral work with established track record of research leadership - often a previous holder of an Intermediate Fellowship.

Duration: 5 years – can be part-time - 5 year renewal available but will cover 50% salary – can spend part of time overseas or second institution, but would need to be justified.

Funding: No limit on amount but will need to be justified – will fund applicant salary, equipment and research project costs – will cover travel costs up to £500 per year.

6. Intermediate Clinical Research Fellowship

This is an ongoing funding opportunity. There are no closing dates – outcome decision 6 months after submission.

Key points:

Career Stage: Early Career Researcher

Eligibility: Have PhD or MD plus NTN and and at least two years completed specialist training, but usually no more than two years after CCT.

Duration: 5 years – can be part-time - 2 year extension available – can spend part of time overseas or second institution, but would need to be justified.

Funding: No limit on amount but will need to be justified – will fund applicant salary, RA or technician, equipment and research project costs – will cover travel costs up to £500 per year - facilities must be provided by the host department.

7. Senior Clinical Research Fellowship

This is an ongoing funding opportunity. There are no closing dates – outcome decision 6 months after submission.

Key points:

Career Stage: Mid-Career Researcher – to support outstanding clinician scientists to reach Readership or Chair level within 10 years.

Eligibility: Senior postdoctoral investigator, often having held a Clinical Lectureship or an Intermediate Clinical/Clinician Scientist Fellowship.

Duration: 5 years – can be part-time - 5 year renewal available but will cover 50% salary – can spend part of time overseas or second institution, but would need to be justified.

Funding: No limit on amount but will need to be justified – will fund applicant salary (up to 10Pas), RA or technician, equipment and research project costs – will cover travel costs up to £500 per year - facilities must be provided by the host department.

Daphne Jackson Trust Fellowships

Daphne Jackson Trust Fellowships

Key points:

Scope: Daphne Jackson Trust support individuals who want to return to any area of research at any UK university, after a career break of two years or more taken for a family, caring or health reason
To apply for the Daphne Trust Fellowships Scheme, please follow the guidance documents and includes information on the applications process.
Eligibility: Have PhD, ideally at least 3 years postdoctoral research experience.
Duration: Usually 2 or 3 years, depending on the level of funding available by the sponsor eg. up to 3 years for a BHF Daphne Trust Fellowship – can be part-time
Funding: No limit on amount but will need to be justified – will fund applicant salary and reasonable research project costs, plus training and professional development costs eg. mentoring.

Medical Research Council (MRC)

  1. MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship
    This is an ongoing funding opportunity.  Application rounds close every January, April and September.

    Key points:
    Deadline for next round: 4th September 2024.
    Scope: Research can focus on any area of Medical Research Council (MRC)’s remit.
    Eligibility:  Must be a registered healthcare professional, have a PhD or equivalent and show evidence of career development and plans for developing as a leader in your field.
    Duration: up to five years.
    Funding: No limit on amount but will need to be justified – will fund salary and project costs.

  2. MRC Predoctoral Clinical Research Training Fellowship
    This is an ongoing funding opportunity.  Application rounds close every January, April and September.

    Key Points:
    Deadline for next round: 4th September 2024
    Scope: funding to undertake a PhD, research can focus on any area of Medical Research Council (MRC)’s remit.
    Eligibility:  Must be a registered healthcare professional, be at an appropriate point in your training to undertake a PhD, must show plans to pursue a research career.
    Duration: up to three years.
    Funding: No limit on amount but will need to be justified – will fund 100% salary and project costs.

  3. MRC Post Doctoral Clinical Research Training Fellowship
    This is an ongoing funding opportunity.  Application rounds close every January, April and September.

    Key points:
    Deadline for next round: 4th September 2024
    Scope: Research can focus on any area of Medical Research Council (MRC)’s remit.
    Eligibility:  Must be a registered healthcare professional, have a PhD and working outside of research more than five years, must show plans to pursue a research career and be at an appropriate point in your clinical training to undertake the fellowship.
    Duration: up to three years.
    Funding: No limit on amount but will need to be justified – will fund salary and project costs.

  4. MRC Career Development Award
    This is an ongoing funding opportunity.  Application rounds close every April and September.

    Key points:
    Deadline for next round: 11th September 2024
    Scope: to support talented researchers to (i) lead own research plans, (ii) establish own research team (iii) make the transition to independent researcher – the research can come from all science areas in MRC remit from basic studies with relevance to mechanisms of disease, to translational and developmental clinical research ie. (i) infections and immunity, (ii) molecular and cellular medicine, (iii) population and systems medicine, (iv) neurosciences and mental health, (v) translation, (vi) global health, (vii) methodology and (viii) public health.
    Eligibility:  Have a PhD or equivalent, show evidence of career progression, show clear plans to develop as a leader in your research area – see attached documents.
    Duration: up to five years.
    Funding: No limit on amount, but will need to be justified - will cover salary and project costs at 80% FEC.

  5. MRC Senior Non-Clinical Fellowship
    This is an ongoing funding opportunity. Application rounds close every April and September.

    Key points:
    Next round opens 13th June
    Deadline for next round: 11th September 2024
    Scope: to support internationally competitive independent researchers to (i) lead an ambitious research programme, or (ii) pursue research training opportunities to develop their career (iii) make the transition to research leader – the research can come from all science areas in MRC remit from basic studies with relevance to mechanisms of disease, to translational and developmental clinical research ie. (i) infections and immunity, (ii) molecular and cellular medicine, (iii) population and systems medicine, (iv) neurosciences and mental health, (v) translation, (vi) global health, (vii) methodology and (viii) public health.
    Eligibility: Have a PhD or equivalent - no eligibility rules re. age or years of postdoctoral experience, must have “transition to leadership” skills and experience (see attached documents), eg. leading own independent group.
    Duration: up to five years.
    Funding: No limit on amount but will need to be justified - will cover project costs and 50% of salary at 80% FEC.

National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)

  1. Advanced Fellowship Programme

    Closing date: scheme is currently closed but next round opens sometime in October 2024 – expect the details will be the same.
    Eligibility: available all postdoctoral career stages from recent PhD completion through to individuals with several years’ postdoctoral experience who do not hold a Chair or tenured position.
    Scope: to support individuals undertaking research in any scientific discipline or sector that can demonstrate a contribution to improving health and/or care, in areas of (i) social care, (ii) mental health, (iii) public health, (iv) health data science, (v) knowledge mobilisation and (vi) multiple long-term conditions.
    Duration: flexible award, between 2- and 5-years – part-time between 50% and 100% FTE.
    Funding: No limit on amount but will need to be justified. Funding can cover applicant’s full salary, research costs, and bespoke training and development costs.
    Webinar: NIHR Advanced Fellowship Webinar

  2. Global Advanced Fellowships

    Closing date: scheme is currently closed but next round opens sometime in October 2024 – expect the details will be the same.
    Eligibility: this is a mid-career postdoctoral award, although is available to postdoctoral researchers at all levels, at various points of their career, except individuals who hold a Professorship/Chair – suitable for both clinical and non-clinical. UK-based researchers must have at least one partner organisation in LMIC(s).
    Scope: to support individuals undertaking research that aims to specifically and primarily benefit people in LMICs eligible for Official Development Assistance (ODA).
    Duration: flexible award, between 2- and 5-years – part-time between 50% and 100% FTE.
    Funding: £750,000 to cover salary costs, research projects, training and development, and institutional capacity strengthening.
    Webinar: What makes an excellent Global Advanced Fellowship

  3. Doctoral Fellowship Programme

    Closing date:
    scheme is currently closed but next round opens sometime in October 2024 – expect the details will be the same.
    Eligibility: must have a First Class or Upper Second-Class bachelor’s degree or equivalent, clinical and non-clinical.
    Scope: to support individuals to undertake a PhD in an area of research within the NIHR’s remit for personal awards.
    Duration: flexible award, 3 years – part-time available.
    Funding: to cover salary of the award holder for the entire duration of the fellowship, approved research project costs, costs for suitable training and development, associated conference fees (up to £3000), Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) costs.

Royal Society

  1. Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship and Visiting Fellowship schemes – attachments in email 22nd April 2024

  2. Royal Society University Research Fellowship

    Career Stage: Early Career Researcher

    - 11th July 2024

    10th September 2024

    - to build an independent research career – includes support for professional development, networking and engagement – flexible and part-time available.

    Research must be within RS remit ie. natural sciences, which includes but is not limited to biological research, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics – see the five research panels

    Funding - Up to £1.87M over 8 years, and can cover:
    - Contribution to Fellow’s salary
    - Research expenses at 100% for travel, consumables, small equipment
    - 80% Indirects and Estates costs
    - RA at 80% FEC
    - 4 yr PhD studentship
    - Childcare costs to cover travel to conferences
    - Relocation and visa costs

    – April 2024

    – end May 2024

  3. Royal Society Industry Fellowships

    Closes: 26th September 2024

    : to support mobility of excellent academic and industrial researchers in 2 sectors.

    : have a PhD, permanent contract, research is within the Royal Society’s remit of natural sciences, which includes but is not limited to biological research and biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics.

    : to cover applicants basic salary plus research expenses up to £4K per year – QMUL would need to cover the NI and pension – can cover summer studentships.

    : up to 2 years full-time – max 4 years part-time.

    2 February 2025

  4. Royal Society Discovery Faraday Fellowships

    Career Stage: Mid-Career Researcher

    This scheme was included in the Internal FMD/QMUL process which has now closed – successful applicants are invited to proceed with application to the Funder.

    14 August 2024

    2nd October 2024

    For mid-career outstanding STEM researchers to support the development of world-leading research groups in UK HE and Research Institutes. Expect applicants to this scheme to have 10-20 years research experience post-PhD or equivalent research experience.

    Up to 10 years

    Up to £8M

    2 stage application process

    Outcome: for Stage 1, 15 November 2024

    Stage 2
    : for invited applicants only:

    Opens: 28 November 2024
    Closes: 6 February 2025
    Outcomes: 31 July 2025

  5. Royal Society Wolfson Visiting Fellowship

    Career Stage - Senior Researcher

    Please Note: the previous round to this scheme was subject to the Internal FMD/QMUL Demand Management process – you will be notified as soon as possible if there will be a DM for this round

    – 11th September 2024

    Closes – 6th November 2024

     - flexible sabbatical period for international researchers, to support excellence, innovation and creativity in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), ie. all areas of the life and physical sciences, but excluding clinical medicine – applications are encouraged from the widest range of backgrounds, perspectives and experiences – applicants can be of any nationality.

    - Up to £125,000, for international researchers to build and develop international collaborations and networks at host UK university or research institution.

    - full time for 1 year or flexibly over 2 years.

    Outcome - 28 February 2025
  6. Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship

    Career Stage - Senior Researcher

    Please Note: the previous round to this scheme was subject to the Internal FMD/QMUL Demand Management process – you will be notified as soon as possible if there will be a DM for this round

    Opens – 11th September 2024

    Closes – 6th November 2024

    Scope – to support excellence, innovation and creativity in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), ie. all areas of the life and physical sciences, but excluding clinical medicine – applications are encouraged from the widest range of backgrounds, perspectives and experiences – applicants can be of any nationality.

     - Up to £300,000 is available for 5 years, and can cover:

    - Researcher salary (20% salary enhancement is available but would need to be justified)
    - Research expenses 100% for travel, consumables, small equipment (<10K)
    - PDRA at 80% FEC
    - 4 yr PhD studentship
    - Childcare costs to cover travel to conferences

    – 5 years

    - 28 February 2025

  7. Royal Society Research Professorship

    Career Stage - Senior Career Researcher

    2 Stage application process

    Next round opens for stage 1 - 19th March 2025

    Closes - 16 April 2025

    Decision - 31 May 2025

    Stage 2: for invited applicants only
    - Opens: 15 May 2025
    - Closes: 12 June 2025
    - Decision: 31 December 2025

    Scope – for ambitious, original, high-quality research in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) – for world-class researcher of outstanding achievement.

    RS recognise EDI is essential for delivering excellence and welcome applications from diverse and underrepresented groups.

    Up to 2 awards available:

    Duration – Research Professors are appointed for up to 10 years – 5 years in the 1st instance with an opportunity to renew for a further 5 years.

    Amount – Funding can cover:

    - Contribution to applicant basic salary upto £90K per annum
    - Research expenses including for travel, consumables, equipment
    - Indirects and Estates costs
    - 4 yr PhD studentship
    - Relocation and visa costs
    - Flexible, part-time available

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

  1. UKRI - Developmental Pathway Funding Scheme: Stage One
    This is an ongoing funding opportunity covered by all UKRI councils.  Application rounds close every March, July and November.

    Key points:
    Next round opens: 28th August 2024, 9:00am UK time

    Deadline for next round
    : 20th November 2024, 4:00pm UK time

    Scope: for funding to develop and test novel therapeutics, medical devices, diagnostics and other interventions for all diseases. Your project can start and finish at any stage on the developmental pathway from early development, through pre-clinical refinement and testing to early-phase clinical studies and trials (up to phase 2a). Applicants need to demonstrate they will be directing/leading the project with plans to develop and test novel therapeutics, medical devices,  diagnostics and other interventions – this scheme is also suitable for ECRs.
    Duration: There is no limit to the duration but need to justify the timescale.

    Funding: £30M total funding available for this scheme – there is no limit to the amount you can apply for but must be justified, will fund 80% FEC, and 100% of permitted exceptions.

  2. UKRI Cross Research Council Responsive Mode pilot scheme: Round 2
    UKRI has capped QMUL at 12 applicants per call hence an Internal Demand Management process is in place.
    The central Demand Management panel will choose 12 applicants for QMUL from a maximum of 6 applicants per faculty/URI.
    See below and latest email sent 13th August 2024 for DM details

    Application Process
    : Two stages, both via the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Funding Service:
    • submission of an outline application
    • invited submission of a full application

    2nd September 2024 9:00am UK time

    Closes: 19th November 2024 4:00pm UK time

    This scheme aims to:  

    : The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be up to £1.2 million, at 80% FEC

    : for up to two years.

    Webinars : there will be 2 identical webinars which will give further details, information on this call – you will also have an opportunity to ask questions – click on the links to register:
    Webinar 1: 5 September 2024, 10-11:30am, UK time
    Webinar 2: 11 September 2024, 2-3:30pm, UK time

    Internal Demand Management Process

    Expression of Interest (EOI's) should consist of the following submitted as 1 PDF (Min font 11, Arial)

    1 A4 side covering:

    Project details include department, project title
    • Core team member details.
    • Summary (4000 characters including spaces) - a plain English summary of the research innovation proposed i.e. in language that can be understood by a non-academic audience outlining the vision and the approach of the research project.
    • demonstrate the ability go the applicant and the team to conduct ground-breaking, innovative research and that they have the capability to successfully execute the project.
      - outline the vision, aims and objectives of the project
      - outline applicant and team capability to deliver
      - outline interdisciplinary nature of the project

    Please note that the same proposal must not be submitted to multiple Faculties/URIs.
    Duplicate proposals that reach the central panel will be rejected. Research teams should submit only one EOI and to the Faculty/URI where the project lead is based.

    To improve diversity in the panel considering demand managed calls and to provide researchers with the most relevant feedback, we have established a new Demand management College, made up of expert researchers from across Queen mary. This will be chaired by Bryony Butland Director of Research and Innovation. The College members reviewing this application will be confirmed in due course.

    Deadline for EOI's submission to Faculties: 30 August 2024, by 12 noon
    Submission of EOI's to JRMO (after initial sifting/reviewing by faculties) 13 September 2024 by 4 pm
    Panel to meet week commencing: 23 September 2024
    Announcement of winners: by 4 October 2024
    Submission of outline application to UKRI through the funding Service: 19 November 2024 by 4 pm

    Please send EOIs to Agatha Ojugo -

    Any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Jennifer Morgan - 


Versus Arthritis

  1. Versus Arthritis Career Development Fellowships 2025

    Current scheme is now closed - deadline was 3rd of July 2024.
    Visit the Versus Arthritis website for details when the next round opens.

    Scope: enhanced career development fellowship to help attract and retain talented science graduates and medical, veterinary, nurse and allied health professional to commit to a research career in any discipline relevant to arthritis and related musculoskeletal diseases; and to provide them with the opportunity to develop an independent research career.
    Eligibility: Must have a PhD, must not have a tenured post.
    Duration: Up to 5 years, Full and Part-time available ; Max 20% of the fellow’s time to be spent on non-research activities i.e. teaching or clinical activities.
    Amount: Up to £750K – can cover PhD student and staff costs i.e. PDRA, technician, and also research project costs.
  2. Early Detection and Targeted Treatments 2025

    Key points:
    Deadline: Wednesday 18th September 2024, 4pm
    Scope: Funding is available for applications from fellows, researchers, lecturers for a range of different size projects across the biological, psychological and social research spectrum.  Projects to focus on two of the research priority areas from their Better Lives Today, Better Lives Tomorrow Research Strategy 2022-2026:
    Early detection & prevention: spotting the biological signatures of arthritis early to maximise the opportunities for timely intervention and preventing it from getting worse
    Targeted treatments: taking the guesswork out of treatment by increasing effective, reliable and timely drug and non-drug solutions to reduce, manage or cure disease
    Eligibility: The lead and/or co-applicant must have tenure.
    Duration: Up to 60 months
    Funding: Between £100,000 to £1,200,000 – will fund applicant(s) salary, expenses and small items of essential equipment.
    Applications process: submit applications through Grant Tracker.
    Guidance documents: Call document, Application form and guidance documentation (PDF 327 KB)
    Outcome: March 2025
  3. Living Well 2025

    Key points:
    Deadline: Wednesday 11th September 2024, 4pm
    Scope: Funding is available for applications that address musculoskeletal health inequalities for individuals and wider society by striving for better musculoskeletal health and care at home, in leisure, at work and in communities.  Versus Arthritis calls for applications to focus on one of the research priority areas from their Better Lives Today, Better Lives Tomorrow Research Strategy 2022-2026, and to have specific outcomes.
    Eligibility: The lead and/or co-applicant must have tenure.
    Duration: Up to 36 months
    Funding: Between £400,000 to £1,000,000 – will fund applicant(s) salary, expenses and small items of essential equipment.
    Applications process: submit applications through Grant Tracker.
    Guidance documents: Call document and Guidance document 
    Outcome: March 2025

Wellcome Trust

  1.  Wellcome Early Career Award
    Scheme runs 3 times a year

    Scope: for ECRs from any discipline to develop own research identity ; to design, plan and deliver own innovative research project that aims to advance understanding in your field and/or develop methodologies, conceptual frameworks, tools or techniques that could benefit health-related research ; by the end of the award, will be ready to lead own independent research programme ; must not have tenured post ; co-applicants not allowed.  Watch webinar for early-career researchers (1-hour) to hear about Wellcome goals for Discovery Research.
    Funding: Your salary plus upto £400K - if eligible, additional funding available for overseas allowances, overheads and adjustment support.
    Duration: Up to 5 years, part-time is available
    Closing date: 1st October 2024, 5pm GMT
    Next Round: Opens 2nd October 2024, and closes 24th February 2025, 5pm GMT

  2. Wellcome Career Development Awards
    Scheme runs 3 times a year

    Scope: for mid-career researchers
    from any discipline to develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding related to human life, health and wellbeing; have  potential to be international research leaders ; co-applicants not allowed. 
    Funding: Up to £8M to cover salary plus all research costs which must be justified ; can cover upto 4 staff, travel, equipment, PPIE, clinical research costs and overheads. Will not cover PhD studentships but can cover student fees including international fee rate for LMIC nationals if study at HIC. 
    Duration: Upto 8 years ; part-time is available
    Closing date: 26th November 2024, 5pm GMT

  3. Wellcome Discovery Awards
    Scheme runs 3 times a year

    Scope: for established researchers and teams from any discipline to pursue bold, creative diverse, inclusive research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding related to human life, health and wellbeing and/or to develop methodologies frameworks, tools or techniques.
    Funding: The average size is £3.5 million, ranging from £700,000 to £8 million - applications above £5 million will be subject to additional due diligence; can cover your salary plus staff, travel, equipment, PPIE, clinical research costs and overheads.
    Duration: Up to 8 years ; part-time is available
    Closing date: 3rd December 2024, 5pm GMT

  4. Accelerator Awards
    Scheme runs every year until 2028 - current scheme is closed but expect will open around the same time next year, April/May 2025

    Scope: flexible funding to target underrepresented researchers ; for ECRs and mid-career researchers of Black, Bangladeshi and Pakistani heritage in the UK to undertake activities that put them in a stronger position to reach the next career stage ; co-applicants not allowed. 
    Funding: to cover applicant salary plus £200K ; can be used for research or research-adjacent activities, such as training, secondments, and networking ; can cover staff but not PhD studentships.
    Duration: Up to 2 years ; part-time is available
    Closing date: around June 2025

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