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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Professor Stephanie Taylor

Director of Research

As Director of Research in the Wolfson Institute of Population Health Stephanie Taylor is responsible for directing and coordinating the promotion of research activity and supporting strategic decision making around research in the Institute.  She also co-leads the Centre for Primary Care alongside Professor Carol Dezateux. 

Her background and specialty training is in both public health and primary care and she leads a group of researchers conducting applied health services research directed at improving the lives of people living with long term conditions, particularly those living with multiple long-term conditions.  Since 2009 she has been awarded in excess of £5 million in research grants as principal investigator (or joint PI) and have been co-applicant on research grants worth over £49 million. She has authored over 300 peer reviewed research publications.

She has honorary Consultant posts in Public Health with the UK Health Security Agency and Barts NHS Trust. She is Academic Capacity Development Lead for the NIHR School for Primary Care Research and Director of the Wellcome funded “Doctoral Training Programme for Primary Care Clinicians”  Since June 2016, she has been the Deputy Dean for Research Impact in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and a member of the Research Strategy Board. 

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