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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Professor Adam Gordon, MBE PhD MBChB MMedSci(Clin Ed) FRCP FRCPEdin


Professor of the Care of Older People



Adam Gordon is inaugural Professor of Care of Older People at the Academic Centre for Healthy Ageing, based between the Wolfson Institute of Population Health, Barts Health NHS Trust and Whipps Cross Hospital.  His clinical background is in Geriatric Medicine and he trained in Edinburgh, Sydney and the East Midlands before going on to work as a consultant in Nottingham and Derby for 15 years.  For his last decade in Nottingham he was Professor of Care of Older People in the Centre for Rehabilitation and Ageing Research.  He leads a broad research portfolio considering healthcare of older people with frailty, focussed to a large extent on how we deliver healthcare to older people living in care homes, although he also does research in rehabilitation, the application of novel technologies for care of older people, and muscle wasting (sarcopenia).  He uses a wide range of methodologies from clinical trials, through to mixed methods implementation studies, and in context evaluations of novel technologies.  He has led numerous developments around education in ageing and geriatric medicine and has been involved in writing and evaluating three iterations of the British Geriatrics Society Recommended Undergraduate Curriculum in Ageing and Geriatric Medicine.  He has been active in the policy space, leading the British Geriatrics Society between 2022 and 2024 and writing numerous policy papers and guidelines during this time.  He is an NIHR Senior Investigator and leads the Care Home and Ambulatory Workstream of the NIHR Oxford Healthtech Research Centre.  He was awarded the MBE in the Kings Birthday Honours 2024 for services to healthcare of older people.


Research Interests:

Care homes; Care of Older People; Geriatric Medicine; Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment; Sarcopenia; Frailty; Dementia


van Tol, L. S., Haaksma, M. L., Cesari, M., Dockery, F., Everink, I. H. J., Francis, B. N., Gordon, A. L., Grund, S., Matchekhina, L., Bazan, L. M. P., Schols, J. M. G. A., Topinková, E., Vassallo, M. A., Caljouw, M. A. A., Achterberg, W. P., consortium, T. E.-C., Topinková, E., Bautzká, L., Michaálková, H., … Chau, V. (2024). Post-COVID-19 patients in geriatric rehabilitation substantially recover in daily functioning and quality of life. Age and Ageing, 53(5).

Gordon, A. L., Rand, S., Crellin, E., Allan, S., Tracey, F., Corte, K. De, Lloyd, T., Brine, R., Carroll, R. E., Towers, A.-M., Burton, J. K., Akdur, G., Hanratty, B., Webster, L., Palmer, S., Jones, L., Meyer, J., Spilsbury, K., Killett, A., … Goodman, C. (2024). Piloting a minimum data set for older people living in care homes in England: a developmental study. MedRxiv, 2024.06.07.24308589.

Thomas, S., Littleboy, K., Foubert, J., Nafilyan, V., Bannister, N., Routen, A., Morriss, R., Khunti, K., Armstrong, N., Gray, L. J., & Gordon, A. L. (2024). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital episodes for falls and fractures associated with new-onset disability and frailty in England: a national cohort study. Age and Ageing, 53(4), 71.

Rand, S., Towers, A. M., Allan, S., Webster, L., Palmer, S., Carroll, R., Gordon, A., Akdur, G., & Goodman, C. (2024). Exploratory factor analysis and Rasch analysis to assess the structural validity of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit Proxy version (ASCOT-Proxy) completed by care home staff. Quality of Life Research, 33(6), 1555–1567.

Thompson, C., Gordon, A., Khaliq, K., Daffu-O’Reilly, A., Willis, T., Noakes, C., & Spilsbury, K. (2024). Quality in care homes: How wearable devices and social network analysis might help. PLOS ONE, 19(5), e0302478.

Lunt, E. K., Gordon, A. L., Greenhaff, P. L., & Gladman, J. F. R. (2024). The influence of immobility on muscle loss in older people with frailty and fragility fractures. GeroScience, 1–12.

Alqurashi, H. B., Robinson, K., O’Connor, D., Piasecki, M., Gordon, A. L., Masud, T., & Gladman, J. R. F. (2023). The effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on hospitalised adults: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Age and Ageing, 52(12), 1–13.

Collins, J. T., Irvine, L., Logan, P., Robinson, K., Sims, E., & Gordon, A. L. (2024). Quality of life, pain and use of analgesic, anxiolytic and antidepressant medication, in people living in care homes. Age and Ageing, 53(9).

van Tol, L. S., Lin, T., Caljouw, M. A. A., Cesari, M., Dockery, F., Everink, I. H. J., Francis, B. N., Gordon, A. L., Grund, S., Matchekhina, L., Bazan, L. M. P., Topinková, E., Vassallo, M. A., Achterberg, W. P., & Haaksma, M. L. (2024). Post-COVID-19 recovery and geriatric rehabilitation care: a European inter-country comparative study. European Geriatric Medicine, 1–13.

Ekici, H. S., Collins, J., Kafadar, A. H., Yildirim, M. C., Phillips, B. E., & Gordon, A. L. (2024). The effect of pre-operative exercise training on post-operative cognitive function: a systematic review. European Geriatric Medicine, 1–8.

Carroll, R. E., Smith, N., Palmer, S. E., Burton, J. K., Gordon, A. L., Towers, A.-M., Rand, S. E., Tracey, F., Killett, A., Webster, L., Hanratty, B., Spilsbury, K., Akdur, G., De Corte, K., & Goodman, C. (2024). Piloting a Minimum Data Set (MDS) in English care homes: a qualitative study of professional perspectives on implementation and data use. ResearchSquare.

Azevedo, P. S., de Melo, R. C., de Souza, J. T., Frost, R., Gavin, J. P., Robinson, K., Boas, P. J. F. V., Minicucci, M. F., Aprahamian, I., Wachholz, P. A., Hinslif-Smith, K., & Gordon, A. L. (2024). Frailty identification and management among Brazilian healthcare professionals: a survey. BMC Geriatrics, 24(1), 1–8.

Attwood, D., Hope, S. V., Spicer, S. G., Gordon, A. L., Boorer, J., Ellis, W., Earley, M., Denovan, J., Hart, G., Williams, M., Burdett, N., & Lemon, M. (2024). Does proactive care in care homes improve survival? A quality improvement project. BMJ Open Quality, 13(2), e002771.

Hodge SY, Ali MR, Logan P, Gordon AL. (2023) Recognising and responding to acute deterioration in care home residents: a scoping review. BMC Geriatrics. 23(1): 1-20.

Cegielski J, Bass JJ, Willott R, Gordon AL, Wilkinson DJ, Smith K, Atherton PJ, Phillips BE. (2023) Exploring the variability of sarcopenia prevalence in a research population using different disease definitions. Ageing Clinical and Experimental Research. 35(10): 2271–2275.

Kraaijkamp, Persoon A, Aurelian S, Bachmann S, Cameron ID, Choukou MA, Dockery F, Eruslanova K, Gordon AL, Grund S, Kim H, Maier AB, Perez-Bazan LM, Pompeu JE, Topinkova E, Vassallo MA, Chavannes NH, Achterberg WP, Van Dan van Isselt E. (2023) eHealth in Geriatric Rehabilitation: An International Survey of the Experiences and Needs of Healthcare Professionals. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 12(13): 4504

Marshall F, Gordon AL, Gladman JRF, Bishop S. (2023) Crack-on: a qualitative study of care home managers experiences and responses to system-led setback during the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic in England. European Geriatric Medicine. In press

Kelly S, Cowan A, Gizdem A, Irvine L, Peryer G, Welsh S, Rand S, Lang IA, Towers AM, Spilsbury K, Killett A, Gordon AL, Hanratty B, Jones L, Meyer J, Goodman C, Burton JK. Outcome measures from international older adult care home intervention research: a scoping review. (2023). Age and Ageing. 52(5): afad069.

Thomas S, Machuel P, Foubert J, Nafilyan V, Bannister N, Colvin H, Routen A, Morriss R, Khunti K, Farooqi A, Armstrong N, Gray L, Gordon AL. (2023) Study Protocol for the use of time series forecasting and risk analyses to investigate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital admissions associated with new-onset frailty. BMJ Open. 13(5): e067786

Grossschadl F, Schoberer S, Eglseer D, Lohrmann C, Everink I, Gordon AL, Schols JMGA, Bauer S. Obesity and its associated factors in older nursing home residents in three European countries – Secondary data analyses from the International Prevalence Measure of Care problems. International Journal of Older People’s Nursing. 18(3): e12530

Barker RO, Atkin C, Hanratty B, Kingston A, Cooksley T, Gordon AL, Holland M, Knight T, Subbe CP, Lasserson DS. (2023) National Early Warning Scores following emergency hospital transfer: implications for care home residents. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 24(5): 653-656

De Souza JT, Minicucci MF, Ferreira NC, Polegato BF, Okoshi MP, Modolo GP, Phillips BE, Atherton PJ, Smith K, Wilkinson D, Gordon AL, Tanni SE, Costa VE, Fernandes Vm Bazan S, Zornoff LAM, Bazan R, de Paiva SAR, Azevedo PS. (2023) Influence of Creatinine Supplementation on Muscle Mass and Strength After Stroke (ICARUS Stroke Trial): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Trials: 24(1): 214

Tulloch JSP, Lawrenson K, Gordon AL, Ghebrehewet S, Ashton M, Peddie S, Parvulescu P. (2023) COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in care home staff: a survey of Liverpool care homes. Vaccine. 41(7): 1290-1294

Towers AM, Gordon AL, Wolters AT, Allan S, Rand S, Webster LA, Crellin E, Brine R, de Corte K, Akdur G, Irvine L, Burton J, Hanratty B, Killett A, Meyer J, Jones L, Goodman C. (2023) Piloting of a minimum dataset of older people living in care homes in England: protocol for a longitudinal, mixed-methods study. BMJ Open. 13(2): e071686

Chadborn NH, Devi R, Goodman C, Williams CD, Sartain K, Gordon AL. (2023). General practitioners’ role in improving health care in care homes: a realist review. Family Practice. 40(1): 119-127

Robinson KR, Gordon AL, Logan PA, Timmons S, Westlake M, Cowley A. (2022). Identifying the key characteristics of falls management programmes in UK care homes - A scoping review of grey literature. Journal of Frailty, Sarcopenia and Falls, 07(03), 165–174.

Musa MK, Akdur G, Brand S, Killett A, Spilsbury K, Peryer G, Burton JK, Gordon AL, Hanratty B, Towers AM, Irvine L, Kelly S, Jones L, Meyer J, Goodman, C. (2022). The uptake and use of a minimum data set (MDS) for older people living and dying in care homes: a realist review. BMC Geriatrics, 22(1), 1–14.

Hoedl M, Bauer S, Eglseer D, Everink I, Gordon AL, Lohrmann C, Saka B, Schols JMGA, Osmancevic S. (2022). Urinary incontinence prevalence and management in nursing homes in Austria, the Netherlands, Turkey and the United Kingdom: A multi-site, cross-sectional study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 103, 104779.

Braude P, Short R, Bouamra O, Shipway D, Lecky F, Carlton E, Benger J, Gordon A, Carter B. (2022). A national study of 23 major trauma centres to investigate the effect of a geriatrician assessment on clinical outcomes in older people admitted with serious injury in England (FiTR 2): a multicentre observational cohort study. The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 3(8), e549–e557.

Hoedl M, Eglseer D, Bernet N, Gordon AL, Lohrmann C, Osmancevic S, Saka B, Schols JMGA, Thomann S, Bauer S. (2022). Which factors influence the prevalence of institution-acquired falls? Results from an international, multi-center, cross-sectional survey. J Nurs Sch, 54462– 469.

Achison M, Adamson S, Akpan A, Aspray T, Avenell A, Band MM, Bashir T, Burton LA, Cvoro V, Donnan PT, Duncan GW, George J, Gordon AL, Gregson CL, Hapca A, Henderson E, Hume C, Jackson TA, Kemp P, … Witham, M. D. (2022). Effect of perindopril or leucine on physical performance in older people with sarcopenia: the LACE randomized controlled trial. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 13(2), 858–871.

Devi R, Martin GP, Banerjee J, Gladman JRF, Dening T, Barat A, Gordon AL. Sustaining interventions in care homes initiated by quality improvement projects: a qualitative study. BMJ Qual Saf 2022;0:1–11. 

Aalto UL, Pitkälä KH, Andersen-Ranberg K, Bonin-Guillaume S, Cruz-Jentoft AJ, Eriksdotter M, Gordon AL, Gosch M, Holmerova I, Kautiainen H, Kivipelto M, Macijauskiene J, O’Neill D, van den Noortgate N, Ranhoff AH, Schols JMGA, Singler K, Stankunas M, Ouslander JG. (2022). COVID-19 pandemic and mortality in nursing homes across USA and Europe up to October 2021. European Geriatric Medicine 2022, 13(3):705-709.

Garden G, Usman A, Readman D, Storey L, Wilkinson L, Wilson G, Dening T, Gordon AL, Gladman JRF. (2022). Advance care plans in UK care home residents: a service evaluation using a stepped wedge design. Age and Ageing, 51(3), 1–8.

Burton JK, Wolters AT, Towers AM, Jones L, Meyer J, Gordon AL, Irvine L, Hanratty B, Spilsbury K, Peryer G, Rand S, Killett A, Akdur G, Allan S, Biswas P, Goodman C. (2022). Developing a minimum data set for older adult care homes in the UK: exploring the concept and defining early core principles. The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 3(3), e186–e193.

Peryer G, Kelly S, Blake J, Burton JK, Irvine L, Cowan A, Akdur G, Killett A, Brand SL, Musa MK, Meyer J, Gordon AL, Goodman C. (2022). Contextual factors influencing complex intervention research processes in care homes: a systematic review and framework synthesis. Age and Ageing, 51, 1–16.

Grund S, Kilb M, Breitinger E, Hundsdörfer W, Schäfer HG, Schols JMGA, Gordon AL, Bauer JM, Alpers GW. (2022). Evaluation of a new screening instrument for psychological distress in postacute rehabilitation in older person. European Geriatric Medicine, 13(1), 243–251.

Logan PA, Horne JC, Allen F, Armstrong SJ, Clark AB, Conroy S, Darby J, Fox C, Gladman JR, Godfrey M, Gordon AL, Irvine L, Leighton P, McCartney K, Mountain G, Robertson K, Robinson K, Sach TH, Stirling S, … Sims, EJ. (2022). A multidomain decision support tool to prevent falls in older people: the FinCH cluster RCT. Health Technology Assessment (Winchester, England), 26(9), 1–136.

Logan PA, Horne JC, Gladman JRF, Gordon AL, Sach T, Clark A, Robinson K, Armstrong S, Stirling S, Leighton P, Darby J, Allen F, Irvine L, Wilson ECF, Fox C, Conroy S, Mountain G, McCartney K, Godfrey M, Sims E. (2021). Multifactorial falls prevention programme compared with usual care in UK care homes for older people: multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial with economic evaluation. BMJ, 375, e066991.

Grund S, Gordon AL, Bauer JM, Achterberg WP, Schols JMGA. (2022). COVID-19 Pandemic and Consecutive Changes in Geriatric Rehabilitation Structures and Processes - A Deeper Attempt to Explain the COVID Rehabilitation Paradox (Lessons to Learn to Ensure High Quality of Care in GR Services). Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 26(1), 64–66. 

Cowley A, Goldberg SE, Gordon AL, Logan P. Rehabilitation potential in older people living with frailty: a systematic mapping review. BMC Geriatr 2021;21.

Schlögl M, Singler K, Martinez-Velilla N, Schildmann J, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Roller-Wirnsberger RE, Attier-Zmudka J, Jones CA, Miot S, Gordon AL. Communication during the COVID-19 pandemic: evaluation study on self-perceived competences and views of health care professionals. Eur Geriatr Med 2021;12:1181–90.  

Aloraibi S, Gladman J, Godfrey D, Booth V, Robinson K, Lunt E, Caswell A, Kerr M, Ollivere B, Gordon AL. Optimal care for the management of older people non-weight bearing after lower limb fracture: a consensus study. BMC Geriatr 2021;21:1–5. 

Micocci M, Buckle P, Hayward G, Allen AJ, Davies K, Kierkegaard P, Spilsbury K, Thompson C, Astle A, Heath R, Sharpe C, Akrill C, Lasserson D, Perera R, Body R, Gordon AL. Point of care testing using rapid automated antigen testing for SARS-COV-2 in care homes – an exploratory safety, usability and diagnostic agreement evaluation. Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management. 2021;26:243–50.

Kierkegaard P, Micocci M, McLister A, Tulloch JSP, Parvulescu P, Gordon AL, Buckle P. Implementing lateral flow devices in long-term care facilities: experiences from the Liverpool COVID-19 community testing pilot in care homes— a qualitative study. BMC Health Serv Res 2021;21:1–11.

Chadborn NH, Devi R, Williams C, Sartain K, Goodman C, Gordon AL. GPs’ involvement to improve care quality in care homes in the UK: a realist review. Heal Serv Deliv Res 2021;9:1–76.

Tulloch JSP, Micocci M, Buckle P, Lawrenson K, Kierkegaard P, Mclister A, Gordon AL, Garciá-Fiñana M, Peddie S, Ashton M, Buchan I, Parvulescu P. Enhanced lateral flow testing strategies in care homes are associated with poor adherence and were insufficient to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks: results from a mixed methods implementation study. Age Ageing 2021;50:1868–75.

Mathewson SL, Gordon AL, Smith K, et al. Determining the Influence of Habitual Dietary Protein Intake on Physiological Muscle Parameters in Youth and Older Age. Nutr 2021, Vol 13, Page 3560 2021;13:3560.

Micocci M, Gordon AL, Seo MK et al. Is point-of-care testing feasible and safe in care homes in England? An exploratory usability and accuracy evaluation of a point-of-care polymerase chain reaction test for SARS-CoV-2. Age Ageing 2021;50:1464–72.

Aloraibi S, Booth V, Robinson K, Lunt EK, Godfrey D, Caswell A, Kerr M, Ollivere B, Gordon AL, Gladman JRF. Optimal management of older people with frailty non-weight bearing after lower limb fracture: a scoping review. Age Ageing 2021;50:1129–36.

Micocci M, Gordon AL, Allen AJ et al. COVID-19 testing in English care homes and implications for staff and residents. Age Ageing 2021;50:668–72. 

Cowley A, Goldberg SE, Gordon AL, Kerr M, Logan P. 2021. Exploring Rehabilitation Potential in Older People Living with Frailty: A Qualitative Focus Group Study. BMC Geriatrics 21(1): 11-1

Marshall F, Gordon AL, Gladman JRF, Bishop S. 2021. Care homes, their communities, and resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: interim findings from a qualitative study. BMC Geriatrics. 21(1): 1-10

Geriatric Medicine Research Collaborative. 2021. Age and Frailty are independently associated with increased COVID-19 mortality and increased care needs in survivors: results of an international multi-centre study. Age and Ageing. 50(3): 617-630

Grund S, Caljouw MAA, Haaksma ML, Gordon AL, van Balen R, Bauer JM, Schols JMGA, Achterberg WP. 2021. Pan-European Study of Functional and Medical Recovery and Geriatric Rehabilitation Services of Post-COVID-19 Patients: Protocol for the EU-COGER Study. JNHA. 1-7

Spilsbury K, Devi R, Griffiths A, Akrill C, Astle A, Goodman C, Gordon A….Thompson, C. 2021. Seeking Answers for Care Homes during the COVID-19 pandemic (COVID SEARCH). Age and Ageing. 50(2): 335-340

Lunt E, Gordon AL, Greenhaff P, Gladman JRF, Ong T. The Clinical Usefulness of Muscle Mass and Strength Measures in Older People: A Systematic Review. Age and Ageing. 2021. 50(1): 88-95

Hodge SY, Ali MR, Gordon AL. 2021. Recognising and responding to deterioration in Care Homes: A Scoping Review Protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis. 19(2): 447-453

Siraj RA, McKeever TM, Gibson JE, Gordon AL, Bolton CE. Risk of Incident Dementia and Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): A Large UK Population-based Study. Respiratory Medicine. 2021. 177.

Wachholz PA, De Oliveira DC, Hinsliff-Smith K, Devi R, Villas-Boas PJF, Shepherd V, Jacinto AF, Watanabe HAW, Gordon AL, Ricci NA. 2021. Mapping Research Conducted on Long-term Care Facilities for Older People in Brazil: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(4): 1522

Chadborn NH, Devi R, Hinsliff-Smith K, Gordon AL. Quality improvement in long-term care settings: a scoping review of effective strategies used in care homes. Eur Geriatr Med 2020;1:3.

Izza MAD, Lunt E, Gordon AL, Gladman JRF, Armstrong S & Logan P. (2020). Polypharmacy, benzodiazepines, and antidepressants, but not antipsychotics, are associated with increased falls risk in UK care home residents: a prospective multi-centre study. European Geriatric Medicine, 1, 3.

Devi R, Martin G, Banerjee J…..Gordon, AL. (2020). Improving the quality of care in care homes using the quality improvement collaborative approach: Lessons learnt from six projects conducted in the uk and the netherlands. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(20).

Kaboord AD, Godfrey D, Gordon AL, Gladman JRF, Van Eijk M, Achterberg W. 2020. The Modified Functional Comorbidity Index performed better than the Charlson Index and original Functional Comorbidity Index in predicting functional outcomes in geriatric rehabilitation. BMC Geriatrics 20(1): 1-9 

Robinson K, Allen F, Darby J, Fox C, Gordon AL, Horne JC, Leighton P, Logan P. 2020. Contamination in complex healthcare trials: the falls in care homes (FiNCH) study experience. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 20(1): 1-6

De Melo RC, Cervato CJ, Aprahamian I, Gavin J, Robinson K, Frost R, Azevedo PS, Villas-Boas P, Hinsliff-Smith K , Gordon AL. 2020. Identifying and Managing Frailty in Brazil: A Scoping Review Protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis. 18(4): 849:856

Paulis SJC, Everink IHJ, Halfen RJG, Lohrmann C, Wirnsberger RR, Gordon AL, Schols J. 2020. Diagnosing dehydration in the nursing home: international consensus method based on a modified Delphi study. European Geriatric Medicine. 1-10

Ogliari G, Turner Z, Khalique J, Gordon AL, Gladman JRF, Chadborn NH. Ethnic disparity in access to the memory assessment service between South Asian and white British older adults in the United Kingdom: A cohort study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 35 (5), 507-515

Franca AB, Gordon AL, Samra R, Rodolpho Durarte ES, Jacinto AF. 2020. Symptoms of mood disorders in family carers of older people with dementia who experience caregiver burden: a network approach. Age and Ageing. 49(4):6 28-633

Bunn F, Goodman C, Corazzini K, Sharpe R, Handley M, Lynch J, Meyer J, Dening T, Gordon AL. 2020. Setting priorities to inform assessment of care homes’ readiness to participate in healthcare innovation: a systematic mapping review and consensus process. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(3): 987

Grund S, van Wijngaarden J, Gordon AL, Schols JMGA, Bauer JM. 2020. EUGMS survey on structures of geriatric rehabilitation across Europe. European Geriatric Medicine. 11. 217–232

Jacinto AF, Gordon AL, Samra R, Steiner AB, Mayoral VFS, Citero VA. Comparing knowledge and attitudes to dementia care in Brazilian and UK GPs to guide future decisions about educational interventions. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education. 2020. 41(2): 250-257

Long A, Robinson K, Goldberg S, Gordon AL. Effectiveness of exercise interventions for adults over 65 with moderate-to-severe dementia in community settings: a systematic review. European Geriatric Medicine. 2019. 10: 843-852

Welsh TJ, Gordon AL, Gladman JRF. Treatment of hypertension in people with dementia: a multicenter prospective observational cohort study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association; 2019. 20(9): 1111-1119

Corazzini KN, Anderson RA, Bowers BJ, Chu C, Edvardsson D, Fagertun A, Gordon AL, Leung A, McGilton KS, Meyer JE, Siegel EO, Thompson R, wing J, Wei S, Wu B, Lepore MJ. 2018. Towards Common Data Elements for International Research in Long-Term Care Homes: Advancing Person-Centered Care. 2019. JAMDA. 20 (5), 598-603

Edvardsson D, Baxter R, Corneliusson L, Anderson RA , Beeber A, Villas Boas P, Corazzini K, Gordon AL, Hanratty B, Jacinto A, Lepore M, Leung AYM, McGilton KS, Meyer J,  Schols JMGA, Schwartz L, Shepherd V, Anders Skoldunger MA, Thompson R, Toles M, Wachholz P, Wang J, Wu B, Zúñiga F.Advancing Long-Term Care Science Through Using Common Data Elements: Candidate Measures for Care Outcomes of Personhood, Well-Being, and Quality of Life. Gerontol Geriatr Med 2019;5:

Chadborn NH, Goodman C, Zubair M, Souza L, Gladman JRF, Gordon AL. 2019. The Role of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in Healthcare of Older People in UK Care Homes: realist review. BMJ Open 8:9(4)

Usman A, Lewis S, Hinsliff-Smith K, Long A, Housley G, Jordan J, Gage H, Dening T, Gladman JRF, Gordon AL. 2019. Measuring health related quality of life of care home residents: comparison of self-report with staff proxy responses. Age and Ageing. 2019. 48(3): 407-413

Logan PA, McCartney K, Armstrong S, Clarke A, Conroy S, Darby J, Gladman J, Godfrey M, Gordon AL, Irvine L, Leighton P, Mountain G, Robertson K, Robinson K, Sach T, Sims E, Horne JC. Evaluation of the Guide to Action Care Home fall prevention programme in care homes for older people: protocol for a multi-centre, single blinded, cluster randomised controlled trial (FinCH).  EMRAN Discussion Paper Series. Issue 25. Available online at:

Wylie G, Torrens C, Campbell P, Frost H, Gordon AL, Menz HB, Skelton DA, Sullivan F, Witham MD, Morris J. 2019. Podiatry interventions to prevent falls in older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2019. Age and Ageing. 48(3):327-336

Giles M, Gladman JRF, Gordon AL, Blundell A, Clegg A. What can GPs do with the Electronic Frailty Index? East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 23 October 2018.  ISSN 2059-3340.

Stanyon M, Thomas S, Gordon AL, Griffiths A. 2018. Effects of Care Assistant Communication Style on Communicative Behaviours in Residents with Dementia: A Systemtic Multiple Case Study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 2019. 33 (1), 207-214

Usman A, Lewis S, Hinsliff-Smith K, Long A, Housley G, Jordan J, Gage H, Dening T, Gladman JRF, Gordon AL. 2018. Measuring health related quality of life of care home residents, comparison of self-report with staff proxy responses for EQ-5D-5L and HowRu: Protocol for Assessing Proxy Reliability In Care home Outcome Testing. BMJ Open. 8 (8).

Devi R, Meyer J, Banerjee J, Goodman C, Gladman JRF, Dening T, Chadborn N, Hinsliff-Smith K, Long A, Usman AM, Housley G, Bowman C, Martin F, Logan P, Lewis S, Gordon AL. 2018. A Quality Improvement Collaborative Aiming for Proactive HEAlthcare of Older People in Care Homes (PEACH): a realist evaluation protocol. BMJ Open. 8 (11).

Donaldson AIC, Smith TO, Alder S, Jonstone AM, De Roos B, Aucott LS, Gordon AL, Myint PK. 2018. Effect of non-meat, high protein supplementation on quality of life and clinical outcomes for older people living in care homes: systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition reviews. 77(2): 116-127

Robinson KR, Long AL, Leighton P, Armstrong S, Pulikottill-Jacob R, Gladman JRF, Gordon AL, Logan P, Anthony KA, Harwood RH, Blackshaw PE, Masud T. 2018. Chair-based exercise in community settings: a cluster randomised feasibility study. BMC Geriatrics. 18: 82.

Welsh TJ, van der Wardt V, Ojo G, Gordon AL, Gladman JRF. 2018. Anticholinergic drug burden tools/scales and adverse outcomes in different clinical settings: a systematic review of reviews. Drugs and Ageing, 35(6): 523-538

Gordon AL, Goodman C, Davies SL, Dening T, Gage H, Meyer J, Schneider J, Bell B, Jordan J, Martin FC, Iliffe S, Bowman C, Gladman JRF, Victor C, Mayrhofer A, Handley M, Zubair M. 2018. Optimal healthcare delivery to care homes in the UK: a realist evaluation of what supports effective working to improve healthcare outcomes. Age and Ageing, 47(4): 595-603

Housley G, Lewis S, Usman A, Gordon AL, Shaw DE. 2018. Accurate identification of hospital admissions from care homes: development and validation of an automated algorithm. Age and Ageing, 47(3): 387-391

Burton JK, Quinn TJ, Gordon AL, MacLullich AMJ, Reynish EL, Shenkin SD Identifying Published Studies of Care Home Research: an international survey of researchers. 2017. Journal of Nursing Home Research 3: 99-102

Zubair M, Chadborn N, Gladman JR, Dening T, Gordon AL, Goodman C. 2017. Using Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for Quality Improvements in Healthcare of Older People in UK Care Homes: protocol for realist review within Proactive Healthcare of Older People in Care Homes (PEACH) study. BMJ Open. 7(10)

Goodman C, Gordon AL, Bell B, Bowman C, Dening C, Victor C, Martin F, Gage H, Gladman JRF, Meyer J, Schneider J, Iliffe S. 2017. Optimal NHS service delivery to care homes: a realist evaluation of the features and mechanisms that support effective working for the continuing care of older people in residential settings. NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research Journal. 5.29.

Samra R, Cox T, Gordon AL, Conroy S, Lucassen M, Griffiths A. Factors related to medical students’ and doctors’ attitudes towards older patients: A systematic review. Age and Ageing. 2017. 46(6):911-919

Offord N, Wyrko Z, Downes T, Hopper A, Harriman P, Gordon AL. Frailsafe: from conception to national breakthrough collaborative. Acute Med 2016; 15(3): 134-139

Goodman C, Dening T, Gordon AL, Davies SL, Meyer J, Martin FC, Gladman RF, Bowman C, Victor C, Handley M, Gage H, Iliffe S, Zubair M. Effective health care for older people living and dying in care homes: a realist review. BMC Health Serv Res 2016; 16: 269.

Goldberg SE, Cooper J, Blundell A, Gordon AL, Masud T, Moorchilot R. Development of a curriculum for Advanced Nurse Practitioners working with Older People with Frailty in the acute hospital through a Modified Delphi Process. Age Ageing 2016; 45(1) 48-53

Gray M, Thomas S, Gordon A, Griffiths A. The facilitators of communication with people with dementia in a care context: an interview study with healthcare workers. Age Ageing 2016; 45(1) 164-170

Iliffe S, Davies SL, Gordon AL, Schneider J, Dening T, Bowman C, Gage H, Martin FC, Gladman RF, Victor C, Meyer G, Goodman C. Provision of NHS generalist and specialist services to care homes in England: review of surveys. Prim Health Care Res Dev 2016; 17(2) 122-137

Cowley A, Gordon AL. An exploration of the contributions of physiotherapists to Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA): An ethnographic study of skills, expertise and assessment tools. Agility, Spring/Summer Edition 2016

Walker GM, Armstrong S, Gordon AL, Gladman J, Robertson K, Ward M, Conroy S, Arnold G, Darby J, Frowd N, Williams W, Knowles S, Logan PA. The Falls in Care Homes Study: A feasibility randomised controlled trial of the use of a risk assessment and decision support tool to prevent falls in care homes. Clinical Rehabilitation 2016; 30(10):972-983

Goodman C, Davies SL, Gordon AL, Meyer J, Dening T, Gladman JRF, Iliffe S, Zubair M, Bowman C, Victor C, Martin FC 2015. Relationships, Expertise, Incentives, and Governance: Supporting Care Home Residents’ Access to Health Care. An Interview Study From England. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2015. 16(5): 427-32

Gladman J, Harwood R, Conroy S, Logan P, Eliott R, Jones R, Lewis S, Dyas J, Schneider J, Porock D, Pollock K, Goldberg S, Edmans J, Gordon A, Bradshaw L, Franklin M, Whittamore K, Robbins I, Dunphy A, Spences K, Darby J, Tanajewski L, Berdunov, Gkountouras G, Foster P, Frowd N. Medical Crises in Older People: cohort study of older people attending acute medical units, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist geriatric medical intervention for high-risk older people; cohort study of older people with mental health problems admitted to hospital, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist medical and mental health unit for general hospital patients with delirium and dementia; and cohort study of residents of care homes and interview study of health-care provision to residents of care homes.  NIHR Program Grants Appl Res 2015; 5.

Partridge JSL, Cross J, Gordon AL, Martin FC, Harari D, Dhesi JK. Where are we in perioperative medicine for older surgical patients? A UK survey of geriatric medicine delivered services in surgery. Age Ageing 2014; 43 (5): 721-724

Gordon AL, Goodman C, Dening T, Davies S, Gladman JRF, Bell BG, Zubair M, Handley MJ, Meyer J, Bowman C, Gage H, Iliffe SR, Martin FC, Schneider J, Victor C. 2014. The Optimal Study: Describing the key component of optimal healthcare delivery to UK care home residents – A Research Protocol. JAMDA 2014; 15(9):681-6

Goodman C, Gordon AL, Martin F, Davies SL, Iliffe S, Bowman C, Schneider J, Meyer J, Victor C, Gage H, Gladman JRF, Dening T. Effective health care for older people resident in care homes: the optimal study protocol for realist review. Systematic Reviews 2014; 3(1): 49.

Robinson KR, Leighton P, Logan P, Gordon AL, Anthony K, Harwood RH, Gladman JR, Masud T. 2014. Developing the principles of chair-based exercises in older people: a Delphi study. BMC Geriatrics. 14: 65

Welsh T, Gladman J, Gordon AL. The treatment of hypertension in people with dementia: a systematic review of observational studies. BMC Geriatrics 2014; 14(1):19

Gordon AL, Franklin M, Bradshaw L, Logan P, Elliott R, Gladman JR. Health status of UK care home residents: a cohort study. Age Ageing 2014. 14(1): 43 (1): 97-103 

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