Agnès ChevalierSenior Researcher Email: agnes.chevalier@nhs.netProfileResearchProfileI graduated in Psychology from University College London and completed a Masters at Goldsmiths, University of London the following year. Since 2014, I have been based at the Unit for Social and Community Psychiatry which is part of the Centre for Psychiatry and Mental Health. I have gained experience working on a number of clinical trials evaluating psycho-social interventions working closely with the Pragmatic Clinical Trials Unit at QMUL. I have also worked therapeutically in acute mental health care settings at East London NHS Foundation (ELFT). At present, I am the Programme Manager for a NIHR-funded programme of research supported by both QMUL and ELFT. This is a five-year + programme which aims to develop and evaluate an intervention to help patients with psychosis overcome social isolation and improve their quality of life (short title: SCENE). ResearchResearch Interests:My research interests include access to mental health care, particularly in crisis, the experience of inpatient treatment and care, and social isolation/loneliness among people with mental illness.