Dr Timothy JamiesonHealth EconomistEmail: t.jamieson@qmul.ac.ukTelephone: Tel: +44 (0)7703645281ProfileResearchPublicationsProfileI am an early career researcher in health economics with a background as a senior emergency department clinician with a particular interest in urgent and emergency care policy, outcomes research, and the application of real-world data to health economic and policy evaluation. I graduated with distinction in MSc Health Economics from the University of York in 2019 and have presented nationally and internationally the results of work started during my MSc thesis examining the determinants of avoidable emergency department use. As a clinician I have extensive experience of managing junior colleagues and in university settings am an experienced facilitator of medical student learning and have supervised in the QMUL global public health dissertation module.ResearchResearch Interests: Urgent and emergency care policy and outcomes research Broad health economic evaluation and outcomes research The primary-secondary care interface Real-world evidence and big data analysis Electronic healthcare record data Clinician decision-making and incentivisation Health economic evaluation and disease course modelling in Multiple Sclerosis Outcomes research in the presence of multiple long-term conditions PublicationsSee Tim’s publications here: Timothy Jamieson (0000-0002-6557-8888) - ORCID | Connecting Research and Researchers