Dr Zoi KatsirmaData AnalystProfilePublicationsProfileI am a Data analyst for the Centre for Cancer Screening, Prevention and Early Diagnosis. With experience in both clinical and research settings, I specialise in data interpretation, data visualisation and storytelling, and the provision of actionable, strategic insights to stakeholders of various expertise levels.ResearchPublicationsVan Der Schoot A, Katsirma Z, Whelan K, Dimidi E. Systematic review and meta-analysis: Foods, drinks and diets and their effect on chronic constipation in adults. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2024;59(2):157-174. doi:10.1111/apt.17782 Katsirma Z, Dimidi E, Rodriguez-Mateos A, Whelan K. Fruits and their impact on the gut microbiota, gut motility and constipation. Food Funct. 2021;12(19):8850-8866. Published 2021 Oct 4. doi:10.1039/d1fo01125a Tsirigoti E, Katsirma Z, Papadopoulos AI, Samouris G, Ekateriniadou LV, Boukouvala E. Application of triplex-PCR with an innovative combination of 3 pairs of primers for the detection of milk's animal origin in cheese and yoghurt. Journal of Dairy Research. 2020;87(2):239-242. doi:10.1017/S0022029920000242