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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Stocks Court/Stayners Road

General Information

  • Building contact: 

    Health and Lifestyle Research Unit, 

    Queen Mary University London

    2 Stayners Road


    E1 4AH


  • Access to the building: A set of keys will be provided to include: a shutter key, external door key, your office key and an under desk pedestal key.
  • Your staff ID will give access to Reception (and to the corridor if that door is closed).
  • If you are the first person to enter or last to leave the building you will need to open/close the external door and shutter, and deactivate/activate the alarm (your manager will give you the alarm code).

    • The alarm is situated to the left of the internal door
    • To deactivate the alarm, key in code and press ‘Yes’
    • To activate the alarm, key in code and wait for the welcome screen message ‘Would you like to arm the system?’ Press ‘Yes’. You will hear the system arming, making a loud beeping noise upon which you should exit the building. The alarm will stop around 30 seconds later.
    • Make sure the front door is locked.
    • The shutter is activated up and down with the key.

    If you are the last person to exit the building, please check that everyone has left before setting the alarm.

    If you need to reset the alarm for any reason, i.e. because it won’t set or an error message is showing:

    -  Key in the code and then select reset

    -  Key in the code again and then select reset

    -  Screen should read Ace Security 

    -  If errors are still showing check and correct the area they relate to, e.g. zone 007 fire door, and try resetting again as above

    -  If still not fixed, contact ACE 0208 532 0666 option 1 whilst next to the panel

Common Room and Kitchens

  • The water dispenser has a display showing how to dispense hot water; press any button to stop the water from spilling over. Please empty the spillage tray after use.
  • Please stay with the microwave and sandwich-maker during use and clean immediately after with damp paper towels (no knives!)
  • Please make sure that food stored in the fridge or freezer is appropriately wrapped and consumed/disposed of within the use by date.
  • Recycling in the kitchen – please put rinsed milk bottles, cans, plastic pots, card, paper etc. into the yellow bin. The other two bins are labelled for food waste and general waste.
  • Please do not leave any unwashed items in the kitchen sink or on the side.


  • Post delivered to the building is distributed by the unit administrator.


  • A Visitor’s Book is on Reception to record the arrival and purpose at the Unit of all but clients. This will include visitors to the Unit, QMUL staff from or engaged by Estates, IT staff etc. It provides a good reference of activity for us, so please log them in.
  • Please do not admit any visitors to the building unless you are expecting them, or are able to escort them to the relevant member of staff.


  • A communal printing facility is available in G14, and once set up can be operated by your staff ID.  A manual copier for large runs of questionnaires etc. is housed behind Reception in G02.  A tally to record daily use for distributing costs between codes is on the cupboard beside it. Both must be switched off at night.


  • Use of the forecourt is available for personal use and clients. The key to lower the bollards is held at Reception. Bollards must be raised when vehicles depart.
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