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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Bullying and Harrassment

What is Bullying and Harassment?

Bullying and harassment are contrary to the Equality Act 2010 and the University Dignity at Work and Study Policies.

  • Bullying is offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour involving the misuse of power. These behaviours can make a person feel vulnerable, upset, humiliated, undermined or threatened. Power does not always mean being in a position of authority, but can include both personal strength and the power to coerce through fear or intimidation. This can be between two individuals or it may involve groups of people. It might be obvious or it might be insidious. It may be persistent or an isolated incident. It can also occur in written communications, by phone or through email, not just face-to-face.
  • Harassment is unwanted physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct which may (intentionally or unintentionally) violate a person’s dignity or create an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment, which interferes with an individual’s learning, working or social environment. It also includes treating someone less favourably because they have submitted or refused to submit to such behaviour in the past.

Our Guidance on Bullying and Harassment

Our brochure, which provides guidance on Bullying and Harassment, can be found below:

Bullying and Harassment: Advice and Guidance [PDF 545KB]


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