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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Listen and learn

A huge thank you to everyone who has been involved in making this content available! Please see below a rich repository of videos providing invaluable advice from colleagues on topics ranging from writing a competitive PhD project outline through to the art of costing your project. 


WIPH Research Seminar Series

We've had a great line up of internal and external speakers at the WIPH Research Seminar Series since its inception in October 2021. All recordings are available on request to Tor Kemp Similarly please contact Tor if there is a speaker you would like to nominate to enquire regarding available future slots.


How I got my Fellowship

We have a very valuable repository of talks where recent Fellowship awardees share their experience of planning, applying, and interviewing for different schemes. Click here to go through to the QM+ site  and navigate to "Information on Funding Schemes".


How I got my Industry Funding

This is a series of talks on different types of industry funding, with contributions from the QMUL Business Development team, Queen Mary Innovation and WIPH academics who have previously received industry funding.  Click here for recordings from the series which include:

  • Session 1: General Intoduction
  • Session 2: Consultancy
  • Session 3: Contract research (non-clinical trial)
  • Session 4: Contract research (clincal)
  • Session 5: Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs)
  • Session 6: Collaborative grants 


Workshop series: applying for and managing grants

Click here for recordings from this series which include:

  • Session 1: WIPH PhD Supervisors: Getting the right team and planning the right project;
  • Session 2: Developing and writing a project grant application
  • Session 3: The art of costing your project (hear from Jason in the JRMO)
  • Session 4: Managing your project finances
  • Session 5: Developing and writing a programme grant application


Workshop series: publication writing

Click here for recordings from this series which include:

  • Session 1: Is my paper Guardian or Telegraph? How to target the right journal
  • Session 2: Setting yourself up to write: your abstract as an elevator pitch
  • Session 3: Good presentation of statistical analyses in journal articles & common errors to avoid (coming soon)
  • Session 4: Why the editor's perspective matters to you 
  • Session 5: Reveling in success and coping with rejection 


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