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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Peer Groups & Special Interest Groups

There are a number of special interest groups which welcome attendance from across the institute. Each of the groups/forums below have a description of what is on offer and who to contact to get involved!

A monthly meeting for early career researchers of any discipline in the Institute, plus a shared MS Teams area and a managed email list at

The format of the forum is currently under revision, with plans to relaunch in April 2024. Watch this space!

In the meantime, to register for the mailing list contact the leadership team:

Caitlin Fierheller 

Makis (Efthymios) Ladoukakis 

Moneeza Siddiqui 


For postdocs based at the Whitechapel campus, there is a Whitechapel Postdoc Society.

The aim of the Whitechapel postdoc society is to connect postdocs with each other to generate local support and networking opportunities, as well as providing seminars and career focused discussions to support development and promote collaboration. We hold regular seminars with both internal and external speakers, followed by a networking session. 

Please contact the organising committee to attend one of the events or get involved:

Abigail Coetzee

Helen Jones

Michael Papasavva

Liya Mathew

Patricia Garrido

Luke McIlvenna


You can also or request to be added to the mailing list to hear about upcoming events.


Do you want to do justice to your qualitative methods? Are you keen to understand the black box of qualitative data analysis? Do you want to meet other researchers working with qualitative methods in health research in a friendly and inspiring environment? If so, this forum is for you. 

Thinking Between the Lines (TBTL) is a monthly forum for researchers (any stage/level) working predominantly with qualitative approaches in health. TBTL is open to QMUL WIPH researchers and research students as well as those from the wider QM and HE research community who wish to discuss and develop their qualitative methodological and data analytical skills, network with other researchers and share their work. 

In this forum participants will build on their knowledge, engage in new literature and theory, and share data and methodological insights. If you would like the opportunity for rigorous analytical discussion, please do come along for: 

  • Qualitative data workshops
  • Critical engagement with relevant theories and new research
  • Introduction to creative approaches to analysing qualitative data
  • Methodological reflections and shared learning
  • A shared ‘good reads’ reading list on our Teams page

TBTL meets monthly online (with some opportunities for in person meet ups) on the last Thursday of each month.

For more information or to sign up to the mailing list, please contact:

Meredith Hawking

Nina Fudge

Lucie Hogger

Our Curiosity Workshops are part of the cross-cutting Applied Social Science in Health Theme in WIPH. They bring together researchers who are interested in learning about or using qualitative research methods to explore complexity, complex interventions and social practices in health care. We would like to invite researchers across the Wolfson Institute of Population Health to sign up to the mail list so that we can ensure everyone is involved who would like to be involved. If you sign up to the mail list you will receive notice of all the meetings.

The workshops take place from 10-11am, on the first Wednesday of every month on MS Teams.

These are informal gatherings, in which researchers take turns to share work-in-progress, invite discussion, seek advice and share ideas on whatever is of most help to the researcher who is sharing their work. This might be an early research idea, a presentation in preparation, a data-analysis workshop or a methodological dilemma for example. There is usually lots of participation and ideas generation, and plenty of shared curiosity!

If you would like to sign up to the mail list please email: 

Viney Kumar

As part of our strategy to extend research on health equity in our Institute, Sara Paparini runs a reading club on health inequalities for anyone who is interested in discussing topics in this field. This is an informal opportunity to review literature together and share ideas and work in this area.

The reading club meets monthly on the last Wednesday and Thursday (alternating) of each month between 13:00 - 13:45. These meetings are online only via MS Teams.

If you would like to be added to the mailing list to receive the paper(s) to read ahead of the session, and the recurring calendar invitation please email:

Sara Paparini

The Wolfson Statisticians Meeting are talks that normally take place once a month. (Date tailored to speakers’ availability, please watch out for the email invitation or check the site

This is a virtual meeting via MS TEAM, to promote discussion on statistical work and related topics we do in the Wolfson and that of our collaborators. We also have occasional journal clubs and statistical skill workshops in 2024.

Please contact the organising committee to join the mailing list:

Adam Brentnall

Bernard North

Emily Lane

Garima Priyadarshini

Jo Haviland

Joy Li

Shama Riaz Sheikh

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