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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Postgraduate Research


Two women smiling at a person to the sideYou can find general information about postgraduate research at QMUL on QMUL PhD funding pages, and contact Patrick Mullan for general enquiries about postgraduate research in the Wolfson Institute of Population Health. Once you have successfully applied for funding you will need to complete an application directly to Queen Mary University of London here.

There is a range of funding sources available for PhD students in the Wolfson Institute of Population Health. These include, but are not limited to the following:


Academic Centre for Healthy Ageing FAIRER-DTP Studentship 

The Academic Centre for Healthy Ageing (ACHA) is a new research, education and training centre from Barts Health NHS Trust and Queen Mary University of London. They work closely with local people and health and care staff in north east London to improve care and support for people as they grow older.

ACHA was awarded match funding from the Dunhill Medical Trust to establish its first PhD programme, to support ACHA’s academic ambitions to build research capacity in Healthy Ageing.

In line with the principles of ACHA, the three non-clinical, four year, PhD studentships, which will be registered at Queen Mary University of London, will be embedded within ACHA; a vibrant community of applied health researchers, clinicians and health professionals and local people. They will also benefit from the extensive support offered to QMUL PhD students.

Primary Care School of Primary Care Research PhD Studentship 

Our NIHR-funded Studentships offer traditional project-specific training in areas of particular importance to primary care and are awarded to applicants from diverse academic backgrounds including e.g., medical statistics, social sciences, health economics, and health psychology.  

Primary Care Clinicians Wellcome-funded PhD Programme for Primary Care

QMUL leads this Wellcome-funded PhD Programme for Primary Care Clinicians. We build upon the success of the last Wellcome-funded flagship programme which supported 5 years of enrolment from 2017-2021. The scheme is aimed at supporting the most promising medically qualified clinicians who wish to undertake rigorous research training, leading to the award of a PhD. 

Health Professionals Health Advances in Underrepresented Populations and Diseases (HARP).

QMUL leads this Wellcome-funded PhD programme for Health Professionals. HARP is a 3-year clinical PhD programme dedicated to redressing health inequality through representative research in an inclusive environment. We are looking for enthusiastic fellows who would be interested in projects addressing research topics related to underrepresented populations and diseases due to social inequalities; marginalisation; or health status. Applicants can be of any health professions such as medical graduates, dentists, nurses, physiotherapists, clinical psychologists, and many others. 

Trials Methodolgy MRC/NIHR Trials Methodology Research Partnership

The MRC/NIHR Trials Methodology Research Partnership aims to Improve health by improving the design, conduct and analysis of clinical trials. Their MRC Doctoral Training Partnership presents an opportunity to undertake training for a PhD in trials methodology. Three-year funded studentships are available in statistics, data analytics, informatics, computer science, health economics, qualitative methods, mixed methods, clinical medicine and psychology. 

Global Health  Global Health Research in Africa Doctoral Training Programme 

This Wellcome Trust funded Programme is focusing on funding up to 5 PhD Fellowships per year, for 5 years and runs from 2022 to 2027 and will fund 25 Fellowships in total. It is open to early career healthcare professionals that have a focus on improving health and wellbeing in Africa. Applications from nurses, midwives, and allied health professionals (NMAHPs) are actively encouraged.

There are five cross-cutting themes :

  • Infectious disease;
  • Sexual and reproductive health;
  • Maternal, child and adolescent health;
  • Non-communicable diseases
  • Mental health.

Social Science London Interdisciplinary Social Sciences DTP 

This programme enables social science research students to join and develop a research community that springs from the interface between the social science disciplines with health and medicine, the natural and physical sciences, engineering, and the arts and humanities. Topics include business and management, economics, epidemiology, geography, health, international relations, law, linguistics, politics and psychology. 

Translational Biomedical Studies MRC DTP in Translational Biomedical Science

Queen Mary University of London and the University of Southampton are proud to run a joint Medical Research Council (MRC)-funded Doctoral Training Partnership. Starting in 2016 in collaboration with the MRC, we have established a successful programme that identifies excellent students and matches them with outstanding research projects. This would particularly suit candidates looking to develop mathematical, computational, or bioinformatic skills. The opportunity will generally open November/December for enrolment the following academic year.

Cancer Studies City of London Cancer Centre PhD Studentships

The Cancer Research UK (CRUK) City of London (CoL) Centre is a centre of excellence in cancer biotherapeutics and brings together researchers from Queen Mary University of London, University College, London, King's College, London and the Francis Crick Institute. QMUL PhD students, funded by the City of London Cancer Centre (CoL CC) will follow the four-year version of the CRUK CoL PhD training programme. Although based in their primary supervisor’s research group, students will have the opportunity to work across the centre, for example when carrying out their research placements or accessing the Centre’s infrastructure cores. Applications will open early in the year for enrolment in October of the same year.

NIHR Fellowships NIHR Doctoral Fellowships 

The NIHR Doctoral Fellowship is a three year full-time award that supports individuals to undertake a PhD in an area of NIHR research. This fellowship may also be taken up on a part-time basis of between 50% and 100% whole time equivalent (WTE). Clinical applicants are able to include up to 20% clinical time as part of the fellowship, to ensure the maintenance of their clinical competence whilst undertaking the fellowship. See more information specific to the Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship here 

British Heart Foundation BHF 4 year Mres/PhD

Our British Heart Foundation (BHF) funded 4-year MRes/PhD programme enrols four fully funded (at Home rates) students per year, three funded by the BHF and one funded by the School of Medicine and Dentistry, onto a 4-year course, consisting of a first-year MRes followed by a three-year PhD. 

The scheme offers students the opportunity to work in a vibrant multi-disciplinary environment interacting with researchers working across the university focussed upon advancing our understanding of cardiovascular physiology, pathology in disease and identification novel therapeutics (from drugs to devices to stem cells) for prevention and treatment.

Healthcare Professional Clinical Research Training Fellowship Scheme Bart's Charity PhD Fellowships

This scheme provides opportunities for healthcare professionals to undertake health-related research at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (FMD) at Queen Mary University of London or the School of Health & Psychological Sciences at City, University of London.

This 3-year PhD Fellowship scheme is open to all healthcare professionals (HCPs) including Allied Healthcare Professionals, Clinicians (including General Practitioners and Dentists), Healthcare Scientists, Midwives, Nurses, Pharmacists, and Psychologists. Candidates should be currently clinically active and have previous research experience.



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