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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Resend - Applications open for the role of Deputy Head of Student Selected Components and Electives (IHSE)

We are inviting applications for the role of Deputy Head of Student Selected Components and Electives within IHSE.


Deadline: 10am, Friday 10 February 2023
Commitment: 0.25 FTE
Contact: Dr Nimesh Patel, Head of Student Selected Components

Full role profile: Deputy Head of SSC and Electives JD_23 [DOC 32KB]

To apply send a one-page letter summarising your skills and experiences, and a CV.
The appointee will be responsible for the day-to-day delivery of the Student Selected Components programme (including electives) working closely with the Head of Student Selected Components, Deputy Head of SSCs in Malta, Centre for Medical Education Lead, and other staff delivering the SSC programme. Under the current MBBS regulations, SSCs form Paper E of the diet of exams and assessment in each year of the MBBS course and currently constitutes approximately 20% of the overall MBBS course. Further details of the role and person specification are attached above. The role-holder will be supported and encouraged to undertake further training in healthcare/medical education, if required.

If you would like to be considered for this post, please send by 10.00am, Friday 10 February 2023, a one-page letter with CV to Adriana Coracini, SSC Programme Manager ( summarising why you are interested and outlining the skills and experiences you can bring to the role. We strongly recommend that if you are interested in the role, that you discuss this with your line manager and Institute Director prior to applying.

If you would like to discuss this informally before applying, feel free to arrange a conversation with me by emailing

Dr Nimesh Patel
Head of Assessment for IHSE



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