The CEG Cancer Toolkit helps GP practices to work smarter and reduce avoidable delays in cancer diagnoses.
Our resources include an audit tool, referral and safety netting template, searches and dashboard, all supported by assistance from CEG facilitators. The resources are available to practices across North East London to help them work efficiently, simplify their safety netting procedures and review and reduce inequalities in cancer referrals, follow-up and care.
The Cancer Diagnosis Audit Tool is designed for use within GP practices. It supports clinicians to reflect on new cancer diagnoses by quarter and identify any avoidable delays. The tool auto-fills fields using data from the patient record, making it easier to review delays in cancer care.
Run a single search in EMIS or SystmOne and import the results to:
Audit cancer diagnoses one quarter at a time, or for multiple quarters in the previous financial year.
Autofill audit fields using data from patient records.
Reflect on patient demographics, co-morbidities, age at diagnosis, tumour group.
CEG Cancer Diagnosis Audit Tool - User Guide for EMIS Web [PDF 5,079KB]
CEG Cancer Diagnosis Audit Tool - User Guide for SystmOne [PDF 4,577KB]
If you work in an NHS GP practice in North East London and have not yet downloaded this tool, or need support using it, please contact your local CEG facilitator.
Our template 'CEG Cancer Referral and Safety Netting' enables GP teams to enter the correct codes into patient records easily and add diary entries that can be used for safety netting (following up activity to make sure nothing is missed). It is published in all North East London localities, in EMIS (Resource Publisher) and SystmOne.
The template was developed in collaboration with NHS North East London cancer leads. It is similar to the EMIS-Macmillan template, but also caters for a City and Hackney local incentive scheme that requires practices to record whether patients were seen / did not attend their appointments.
We have published two protocols that will launch the template automatically:
Both are available in all North East London localities but need to be activated by the practice.
Our searches support GP practices to identify patients for cancer screening, safety netting and ongoing cancer care. They enable activity across the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), Directed Enhanced Service (DES), Investment and Impact Fund (IIF) and Primary Care Network (PCN) contracts.
The searches are published in the CEG practice support folder for every North East London locality - the majority are in Folder 4.
The CEG Cancer Screening dashboard displays data for bowel, breast and cervical cancer screening. View data by practice, Primary Care Network, Borough or whole North East London region.
North East London primary care or local authority teams should speak to their practice managers or local CEG facilitator for the link and login details.
Our team of facilitators and support officers support exceptional performance across North East London.
We offer:
Contact your local facilitator to get started.