Part 1: Preliminary Items
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Minutes of the last meeting
SE2020.18 [PDF 126KB]
3. Chair's action
SE2020.19 [PDF 380KB]
4. President and Principal's report
5. Vice-Principals' reports
SE2020.21a-g [PDF 2,052KB]
6. Students' Union President's report
SE2020.22 [PDF 975KB]
Part 2: Matters for Discussion
7. Presentation from the Vice-Principal (International)
8. Suspensions of Regulations report
SE2020.23 [PDF 754KB]
9. Honorary Degrees and Fellowships
10. OFS consultation on regulating quality and standards in higher education
Part 3: Matters for Report
11. Approval of membership and terms of reference for sub-boards of Senate for 2020-2021
12. Taught Programmes Board
SE2020.27 [PDF 1,254KB]
13. Education Quality and Standards Board*
SE2020.28 [PDF 299KB]
14. Research Degrees Programmes and Examinations Board*
SE2020.29 [PDF 210KB]
15. Ethics of Research Committee*
SE2020.30 [PDF 649KB]
16. Partnerships Board*