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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Meeting of Senate Thursday 11 June 2015

Part 1: Preliminary Items Paper
1. Welcome and apologies  
2. Minutes of the last meeting SE2014.45 [PDF 283KB]
3. President and Principal’s report oral report
4. Vice-Principals’ reports oral reports
5. Students’ Union President’s report oral report
Part 2: Matters for information Paper
6. International Strategy SE2014.46 [PDF 993KB]
7. TeachHigher SE2014.47 [PDF 23KB]
8. Student opportunities for cross and interdisciplinary modules oral report
9. Forecasting the effects of planned growth on the teaching timetable SE2014.48 [PDF 456KB]
10. Research Degrees Programmes: Academic Regulations and Code of Practice SE2014.49 [PDF 63KB]
11. Freedom of speech and preventing extremism in UK higher education institutions SE2014.50 [PDF 3,203KB]
Part 3: Matters for consideration Paper
12. Academic governance review SE2014.51 [PDF 472KB]
13. Assessment governance review SE2014.52 [PDF 247KB]
14. Student survey policy SE2014.53 [PDF 589KB]
15. Module evaluation SE2014.54 [PDF 108KB]
16. 2015/16 Academic Regulations for Taught Programmes SE2014.55 [PDF 1,421KB]
17. Queen Mary Academic Credit Framework SE2014.56 [PDF 267KB]
18. Student Casework:  
Academic Appeal regulations SE2014.57a b [PDF 957KB]
Complaints policy
Assessment offence regulations SE2014.57c [PDF 107KB]
Code of Student Discipline SE2014.57d [PDF 740KB]
Professional Capability and Fitness to Practise Regulations SE2014.57e [PDF 125KB]
19. Assessment Handbook  2015-16 SE2014.58 [PDF 834KB]
20. Suspension of regulations report SE2014.59 [PDF 1,170KB]
21. Periodic review reports:  
School of English and Drama SE2014.60 [PDF 262KB]
22. Periodic review responses:  
School of History SE2014.61 [PDF 166KB]
23. Annual Programme Review SE2014.62 [PDF 476KB]
24. MBBS and BDS Term Dates 2015/16 SE2014.63 [PDF 89KB]
Part 4: Report from Sub-boards of Senate Paper
25. Taught Programmes Board *   SE2014.64 [PDF 220KB]
26. Partnerships Board* SE2014.65 [PDF 194KB]
27. Education Quality Board* SE2014.66 [PDF 195KB]
28. Ethics of Research Committee* SE2014.67 [PDF 23KB]
29. Vice-Principal’s (Research) Advisory Group* SE2014.68 [PDF 117KB]
30. Research Degrees Programmes and Examinations Board* SE2014.69 [PDF 111KB]
31. Vice-Principal’s (Public Engagement and Student Enterprise) Advisory Group* SE2014.70 [PDF 86KB]
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