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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Review of Activity


During the academic year prior to the expiry of a collaborative agreement, there will be a review of the collaborative arrangement that will lead to a decision on whether to re-approve the arrangement for a further term, or to withdraw from the provision.

The process for considering and approving the renewal of agreements should reflect the risk levels associated with the partner and collaborative activity. In most cases, this will mean that low-risk activities will be renewed at Faculty level, and high-risk activities will be renewed at Partnerships Board. Exceptions to this are where changes to the nature of collaborative activity with a partner are proposed (which may need a new agreement altogether) or where there have been significant changes to the risk levels associated with a partner (e.g. an increase in geopolitical risks associated with a particular country).

Schools and Institutes should take account of the risk frameworks when preparing to renew activities, and should consult with ARCS where there are queries regarding the risk level, due diligence, and approval process.


In the case of low risk activities, the renewal process is as below:

  1. The School/Institute completes a review of activity form. This includes a reflection on the activity in question and assessment of whether it is meeting the ambitions envisaged in entering the partnership, and (for taught/research programmes) information on student recruitment, progression and outcomes. The School/Institute should indicate its plan for the future of the partnership: renew or terminate.
  2. The form, together with a revised MoU/MoA are submitted to the Faculty Executive for consideration.
  3. Faculty Executive will then decide whether to approve the outcome requested by the School/Institute. In cases where there are concerns regarding risk level or mitigation, this should be referred to Partnerships Board for a decision.

In the case of high risk activities, the renewal process is as below:

  1. The School/Institute completes a review of activity form. This includes a reflection on the activity in question and assessment of whether it is meeting the ambitions envisaged in entering the partnership, and (for taught/research programmes) information on student recruitment, progression and outcomes. The School/Institute should indicate its plan for the future of the partnership: renew or terminate.
  2. The School/Institute also completes an updated high-risk form for the partner, including full due diligence, and involves their finance business partner. in this part of the process.
  3. Both forms, together with a revised MoA or contract are submitted to the Faculty Executive for consideration.
  4. Faculty Executive will then decide whether to endorse the outcome requested by the School/Institute.
  5. The renewal will then be considered at Partnerships Board, which will come to a decision.

Following the review, decisions reached on renewal, extension or termination of the agreement should be communicated promptly to the partner institution. This will be particularly important in the case of termination, given the formal period of notice required.

Copies of all renewed or extended Memoranda of Agreement should always be sent to DGLS and (for international partners) either the Global Opportunities team or the International Partnerships Office.



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