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Human Resources

Professional Services Career Development

Strategy 2030 states our Mission is:

To create a truly inclusive environment...where students and staff flourish, reach their full potential and are proud to be part of the University.

As part of our response to this mission, we have embarked on a Professional Services Career development project. Our objective is to develop a person-centred approach, where we give agency to the individual to plan and design their own career journey.​


Careers guidance for staff and managers

PS Career Development - Managers' Guide [DOC 1,829KB]

PS Career Development - Staff Guide [DOC 8,783KB]

Career development workshops for staff and managers

For all staff: Introduction to Career Planning for Professional Services Staff

This is a workshop for members of staff in any Professional Services function (within a school/faculty, or central PS) who are thinking about their career development, or considering a change of role.

This interactive session will help you to clarify your future plans by identifying your current skills, exploring areas for development, and identifying resources to help you move forward in whatever direction your career aspirations take you. You will have the opportunity to share ideas with your colleagues and help to generate new ideas and solutions.

This session will also allow you to share any current barriers to career progression, which will be anonymised and collated to inform ongoing work into PS career pathways.

Book via CPD Training.

For managers: Leading & Supporting Career Development

This is a workshop for managers of members of staff in any Professional Services function (within a school/faculty, or central PS).

This interactive session will help you to support your staff in identifying their current skills, exploring areas for development, and identifying resources to help them move forward with their career aspirations. It will equip you with techniques to have meaningful discussions and planning actions to help your team members realise their plans.

Book via CPD Training.

Interactive Career Progression Tool

This tool will let to explore what skills, knowledge and experience is required at different grades in Professional Services.  This can help you to understand what is needed at different roles and plan your future development.  Please note that this is hosted on the CPD Training platform and will need you to log in and self-enroll.

Case Studies

These case studies are informed by interviews with members of Professional Services staff, about their experiences of development within Queen Mary.  Please contact us at the email below if you're interested in being a case study!

If you would like further details please contact

Application & Interview Guidance

If it's been a long time since you've applied for a new role, or you're not feeling confident about the process, these pages on application and interview will provide advice and tips to support you.

Career Coaching & Mentoring

As you plan and develop your career, you may find it useful to have a coach who can help you to clarify your thoughts, understand your options and create a plan for the future.  You could also choose to approach a mentor - usually someone who has progressed further on the career journey you plan to take yourself.  They can share their expertise and experience, and help you to plan for your own future.

Learn more on our coaching and mentoring page.

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