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School of Law

Art, Business and Law

Are you a current student or recent alumnus of CCLS? Would you be willing to share your testimonial? If so, you could help a prospective student to make an informed choice to study at Queen Mary (class of 2022, 2023 and 2024 only). If you would like to share a news item instead or in addition to your testimonial, please submit it via the News Form

Kaarthiga Manimaran
31 July 2024

"I have made connections with individuals in the Americas, various parts of Europe and Asia... This gave me an insight into other legal jurisdictions which I previously would not have had"

Sarah Kinyanjui Pauline Moorkens
12 January 2022

"I greatly enjoyed that the teaching was based on an open teacher-student method, encouraging students to share views and ideas with the professors."

anon Ye Kuang
4 November 2021

"I have discovered the programme deepened my understanding of the Art industry and Art law, which has helped me significantly with building a clear career path towards my passion."

Marie Bachet Marie Pepita Bechet
25 August 2021

"I was immediately very impressed with how the programme was structured so meticulously and how all the lectures and seminars were well organised which made studying at CCLS an ideal place."


Find out more about CCLS' alumni profiles from other year groups in this specialism.

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