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Blog: A Q&A with Professor Sir Harry Bhadeshia: “I discovered that steel is complicated.”
30 January 2023

Professor Sir Harry Bhadeshia will deliver his inaugural lecture at Queen Mary Presents on 8 February 2023.


Blog: Why is interdisciplinary research so often the exception, not the rule?
11 January 2023

When the size of the prize is so great, why is interdisciplinary research so often the exception, not the rule?

A bumblebee Blog: Insects may feel pain, says growing evidence – here’s what this means for animal welfare laws
14 December 2022

Professor Lars Chittka and Matilda Gibbons have co-written for the Conversation on insects' ability to feel pain.

Blog: Céline Dion reveals she has stiff person syndrome – an expert explains the condition
13 December 2022

Richard David Leslie, Professor of Diabetes and Autoimmunity at Queen Mary University of London, has written for the Conversation on stiff person syndrome.

Blog: The Many Contradictions and Unspoken Issues of COP27
13 December 2022

Laleh Khalili, a Professor of International Politics at Queen Mary University of London, ethnographically observed the proceedings at COP27. She is currently researching a major project on the politics of hydrocarbons, after having won a British Academy/Leverhulme small grant to explore the subject. She is hoping to write a book about the everyday entanglements of hydrocarbons in all aspects of our lives.

Blog: Code-switching: the pressure on people to change how they speak
7 December 2022

Salina Cuddy, lecturer in sociolinguistics at Queen Mary University of London, has written for the Conversation on the linguistic practice of 'code-switching'.

Blog: Reflections on COP27
28 November 2022

Wolfson Institute of Population Health Professor of Primary Care Christopher Griffiths reflects on his experience at COP27.

Colourised transmission electron micrograph of monkeypox virus particles (gold) cultivated and purified from cell culture. Image captured at the NIAID Integrated Research Facility (IRF) in Fort Detrick, Maryland. Credit: NIAID Blog: Monkeypox: latest data reveals how the virus has affected women and non-binary people
21 November 2022

Dr Chloe Orkin, Professor of HIV Medicine at Queen Mary University of London and Director of the SHARE collaborative, has written for The Conversation after leading an international collaboration of clinicians to publish the first case study series of monkeypox infection during the 2022 outbreak in cisgender (cis) and transgender (trans) women and non-binary individuals assigned as female at birth.

Blog: Tackling the climate crisis beyond COP
18 November 2022

By Dr Fernando Barrio, School of Business and Management

The clock is ticking. The 27th United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP27) is nearly halfway through. Beyond the nice words, some announcements designed to make headlines and more explanations about how bad the climate crisis is, COP27’s outputs and results are far from what the world expects and what the planet needs.

Blog: On the ground at COP27: Championing Indigenous Peoples
16 November 2022

By Dr Teidorlang Lyngdoh, SBM

During the 27th United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP27), I was privileged to be a week one delegate for Queen Mary University of London’s School of Business and Management.

Blog: To switch to renewables, we need better energy storage
15 November 2022

Ana Jorge Sobrido explains why she works on Sustainable Electrodes for Redox Flow Batteries   

Blog: Ebola in Uganda: why women must be central to the response
24 October 2022

Sophie Harman, Professor of International Politics, in the School of Politics and International Relations at Queen Mary University of London has written for The Conversation on why women need to be involved at every level of decision-making in the response to Ebola in Uganda.

A bumblebee Blog: How bumblebees can help us understand the evolution of human memories
19 October 2022

Yonghe Zhou, PhD student in Animal Psychology at Queen Mary University of London, has written for The Conversation about how bumblebees can help us understand the evolution of human memories.

Blog: Opinion – Brazil 2022: A Constitutional Election in Disguise
18 October 2022

Dr Felipe Antunes de Oliveira, Lecturer in Development and Global Governance in the School of Politics and International relations at Queen Mary University of London has written for 'E-International Relations' on the 2022 elections in Brazil.

Students walking Blog: Universities can foster more deliberative democracy — starting by empowering students
18 October 2022

Dr Jeffrey Kennedy, Lecturer in Criminal Law at Queen Mary University of London, has co-written for The Conversation on "mini-publics" and accessing meaningful, deliberative civic education.

Queen Mary Building Blog: Making a difference in East London and beyond
6 October 2022

Professor Alison Blunt, Deputy Vice-Principal for Impact (Culture, Civic & Community), shares recent news about KEF2 and the National Civic Impact Accelerator (NCIA)

Blog: Keir Starmer’s conference speech offered a clearer ideological position – even more ambition will now be needed
29 September 2022

Karl Pike, Lecturer in British Politics/Public Policy in the School of Politics and International Relations at Queen Mary University of London has written for The Conversation on the speech that Kier Starmer gave at the Labour Conference 2022.

Blog: ‘Too afraid to have kids’ – how BirthStrike for Climate lost control of its political message
20 September 2022

Dr Heather McMullen, Lecturer at Queen Mary's Centre for Public Health & Policy, has co-written for The Conversation on her research into Birthstrike and its flaws before the campaign disbanded in 2021.

MRI Scan. Blog: Monkeypox may cause neurological damage, including inflammation of the brain – new study
12 September 2022

James Brunton Badenoch from Queen Mary University of London has written for The Conversation on a new study on the effects of monkeypox.

Blog: Interdisciplinary research should be central to student experience
8 September 2022

Professor Stephanie Marshall, Vice-Principal (Education) at Queen Mary University of London has written for Times Higher Education on how undergraduates can benefit and contribute to the pipeline of interdisciplinary research.

Blog: Five books you’ll like if you love The Odyssey
25 August 2022

Dr Rachel Bryant Davies, Lecturer in Comparative Literature at Queen Mary University of London, has written for the Conversation on suggested reads inspired by Homer’s Odyssey.

Blisters on hand, monkeypox Blog: Monkeypox: an expert explains what gay and bisexual men need to know
3 August 2022

Professor Chloe Orkin has written for The Conversation on monkeypox, discussing how it spreads, public health messaging, and the importance of vaccinations.

Blog: US Supreme Court decision on abortion creates ‘patchwork of rights’ based on where you live
8 July 2022

Dr Richard Johnson, Lecturer in US Politics & Policy at Queen Mary University of London has written for The Conversation on the US Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade.

Blog: What the Russian debt default means for Russia and for global financial markets
1 July 2022

Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal, Professor of Banking and Finance Law at Queen Mary University of London, has written for the Conversation on the Russian debt default.

Human rights written on chalkboard Blog: Why UK approach to replacing the Human Rights Act is just as worrying as the replacement itself
23 June 2022

Queen Mary's Professor of Human Rights Law, Merris Amos, has written for the Conversation about plans to replace the 1998 Act with a new UK Bill.

Blog: Is a major recession unavoidable? Economists give their views
17 June 2022

Professor Brigitte Granville from Queen Mary's School of Business and Management is one of three economists writing for the Conversation on stagflation and the possibility of a recession.

Blog: How to express yourself if you want others to cooperate with you – new research
30 May 2022

Professor Devyani Sharma and Zoe Adams from Queen Mary's School of Languages, Linguistics and Film have co-written for The Conversation on new research into interacting in social dilemmas.

General practitioner reassuring a patient. Credit: Blog: Five tips for young people dealing with long COVID – from a GP
20 May 2022

Dr Dipesh Gopal from Queen Mary's Wolfson Institute of Population Health has written for The Conversation giving advice for young people with long Covid.

Blog: The rights of refugees in Africa are under threat: what can be done
18 May 2022

Professor Parvati Nair from Queen Mary's School of Languages, Linguistics and Film has written for The Conversation on the rights of refugees and the obligations of states.

Blog: There are reasons girls don’t study physics – and they don’t include not liking maths
9 May 2022

Dr Olivia Keenan from Queen Mary's School of Physical and Chemical Sciences has co-written for The Conversation on removing barriers to girls’ participation in physics.

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