Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Venue: Geog 1.26
Social Welfare, Justice and Distribution: celebrating John Roemer’s contributions to economics, political philosophy and political science.
Conference organised by the Centre for the Study of the History of Political Thought and the School of Economics and Finance.
Venue: Geog 1.26 in the Geography building
9.15—9.30 Welcome and introduction
Session 1: Responsibility and compensationChair: Humberto Llavador (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
9.30—10.00 François Maniquet (Université Catholique de Louvain)
Partial responsibility for one’s preferences (joint with M. Fleurbaey)
10.00—10.30 Alain Trannoy (EHESS)
Equality of Opportunity: How to encompass Fifty Shades of Luck (joint with A. Lefranc)
10.30—10.45 Coffee break
Session 2: Capital in the 21st CenturyChair: Chris Tyson (Queen Mary University of London)
10.45—11.15 Giacomo Corneo (Freie Universität Berlin)
Public Capital in the 21st Century [PDF 149KB]
11.15—11.45 Woojin Lee (Korea University) and Younghoon Yoon (Korea University)
Capital in South Korea: 1965-2012 [PDF 1,224KB]
11.45—12.00 Coffee break
Session 3: Empirical inequality of opportunityChair: Asen Ivanov (Queen Mary University of London)
12.00—12.30 Markus Jantti (Stockholm University)
Gender and inequality of opportunity in Sweden
12.30—13.00 Andreas Peichl (Centre for European Economic Research, ZEW)
Obtaining better estimates for Inequality of Opportunity (joint with J.E. Roemer)
13.00—14:30 Lunch
Session 4: Social ChoiceChair: Aniol Llorente Saguer (Queen Mary University of London)
14.30—15.00 Juan Moreno-Ternero (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
Sharing the proceeds of a hierarchical venture [PDF 318KB] (joint with J.L. Hougaard, M. Tvede and L.P. Østerdal)
15.00—15.30 Maurice Salles (Université de Caen)
On Quine on Arrow
15.30—15.45 Coffee break
Session 5: Ethics and distributive justiceChair: Klaus Nehring (University of California, Davis)
15.45—16.15 Richard Arneson (University of California, San Diego)
John Roemer's Contributions to Distributive Justice Theory [PDF 177KB]
16.15—16.45 Jon Elster (Columbia University)
Everyday Kantianism [PDF 349KB]
Session 1: InstitutionsChair: Roberto Veneziani (Queen Mary University of London)
9.30—10.00 Wei Cui (University of British Columbia)
What Is “Federalism, Chinese Style”? A Perspective from the Law
10.00—10.30 Joseph Ostroy (UCLA)
Adventitious Property Rights and the Price System
Session 2: TaxationChair: Herakles Polemarchakis (University of Warwick)
10.45—11.15 Philippe De Donder (Toulouse School of Economics)
Lobbying, family concerns and the lack of political support for estate taxation [PDF 288KB] (joint with P. Pestieau)
11.15—11.45 Marc Fleurbaey (Princeton University)
Optimal taxation theory and principles of fairness [PDF 435KB] (joint with F. Maniquet)
Session 3: Behavioural EconomicsChair: Aniol Llorente-Saguer (Queen Mary University of London)
12.00—12.30 Avidit Acharya (Stanford University)
Values, Judgements and Behavior
12.30—13.00 Joaquim Silvestre (University of California, Davis)
Both frames and numbers matter: a new experiment with prisoners and contributors (joint with A. Bosch-Domènech)
Session 4: Taxation, welfare and inequalityChair: Roberto Veneziani (Queen Mary University of London)
14.30—15.00 Pedro Rosa Dias (University of Sussex)
Causal identification and economic inequality (joint with S. Firpo)
15.00—15.30 Burak Unveren (Yildiz Technical University)
Can Taxation without Full Information Increase Equilibrium Utility in Monopolistic Competition?
Session 5: Marx after RoemerChair: Giorgos Galanis (University of Warwick)
15.45—16.15 Gil Skillman (Wesleyan University)
Marx’s ‘Capital’ Through the Lens of Roemer’s General Theory (and Vice Versa)
16.15—16.45 Naoki Yoshihara (Hitotsubashi University)
Technical change, capital accumulation, and distribution (joint with R. Veneziani)