To book taxi travel for staff/students requiring hospital/A&E treatment, or who are too ill to work and unable to travel home on public transport, and who can manage going on their own/with a friend, a vetted taxi service is available to book to take them to the Royal London Hospital at Whitechapel or home. The details are:
The Operations and Improvement Team will arrange payment of the related invoice. Download the How to book guide (Greater London Hire) [PDF 308KB] for contact details and information on using the online booking portal. If you have any issues when using this service, please email feedback to for us to investigate.
If a taxi booking is needed for non-medical purposes (e.g. moving equipment for an event) please use the general QM account which requires a purchase order from your local budget against Agresso Supplier ID: 104746.
If you have any difficulties in booking, you can use Addison Lee and ask your local QM credit card holder (see list below) to pay at:
First aiders: please print this page and place into local first aid boxes for ease of access.
Managers of Welcome or reception desks - please arrange for this page to be printed and displayed discreetly behind the counter.
Updated instructions from QM Health and Safety Directorate (May 2023)
Where any member of staff needs to call for an ambulance, the London Ambulance Service advise the person with the casualty must call 999 in order for appropriate information to be gathered and for the call to be correctly assigned.
1. From a Queen Mary landline dial 9 (for an outside line) 999 / from a mobile phone dial 999.
2. Request an ambulance.
3. Explain the nature of the medical emergency.
4. Give details of location, for example:
5. Call Security on 3333 and inform them an ambulance has been requested, ask them to meet the ambulance (e.g. outside the Queens’ building) and escort the paramedic’s to you.
You can call 999 again if the situation changes or worsens.
Further information:
Information and Guidance on Ambulance Wait Times
Administration of First Aid Guidance
All new staff should complete Queen Mary Health and Safety essentials training as part of their onboarding.
Student Experience staff will also be asked to complete the Student Experience Health and Safety Induction Record [DOC 178KB] which provides more information on local health and safety.
Guidance on Queen Mary Emergency Fire Procedures apply to all staff and students so please take a few moments to read this important information.
All staff are required to complete Fire Safety Awareness training on the online QMplus system which needs to be redone every two years. In addition, local documented fire evacuation procedures have been created for your specific team location (download below) so please ensure you are familiar with the content and have it easily accessible should a fire alarm be activated:
Your local Safety Rep is responsible for reviewing and keeping local fire evacuation procedures up to date so please contact them if you have any related queries or spot an error or omission.
The Managers Guide to Dealing with Incidents [PDF 132KB] is an appendix to Student Experience local Business Continuity Plans (BCPs).
It has been made available to support managers in their decision making when alerted to local or national incidents which may affect some or all communities within the student and/or staff population.
It has been made brief for ease of reference, and should be used as a guide when:
It is your responsibility as a Display Screen Equipment (DSE) user of a computer workstation to:
Complete a DSE workstation assessment, by logging into MySafety via ‘QMUL Login’ with your QMUL credentials (e.g. and corresponding QMUL password. Visit guidance on how to access your DSE assessment for more information.
Report any problems that you may be experiencing while working on DSE to your line manager and if accidents/incidents, injury and ill health occur, complete an Accident/Incident Form (Report an Accident) with your manager, and comply with remedial action(s).
Visitors and Contractors can use Appendix 1 of the Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Policy, Arrangements and Guidance [DOC 1,881KB] to complete an assessment.
A Guide for Staff to Supporting Students in Urgent Situations: Students in Distress [PDF 691KB].
The Disability and Dyslexia Service (DDS) offers support for all students with disabilities, specific learning difficulties and mental health issues at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). Further information can be found at the DDS website.
The Queen Mary Lift Entrapment Process [DOC 104KB] must be followed at all times (ahead of any local procedures) when dealing with person(s) trapped in a passenger lift on campus - call Security immediately on 020 7882 3333 who will take charge of freeing the person(s) and communicating to reassure them help is on the way.
Please print and share this guide (which covers both standard and out-of-hours) with any staff member who may come into contact with staff/students stuck inside a lift (across space owned by the Student Experience Directorate).
Remember to report the lift entrapment using the online My Safety incident reporting system.
We have ensured that all Student Experience Directorate local processes (Health and Safety) are fully aligned with Queen Mary Policy and Guidance standards accessible to all at the QMUL HSD website.
The main areas of Health and Safety policy which affect our staff have been identified and listed below with links to download the full policy documents:
Queen Mary offers a wide range of Health and Safety (H&S) training courses to Schools, Institutes, and Directorates. The scheduled H&S training courses listed help to ensure that the H&S training needs of Queen Mary are met.
Mandatory training: Display Screen Equipment (DSE) and Fire Safety Awareness can be accessed via the HSD training page. Please complete this mandatory training within your first two weeks of starting at Queen Mary. If you have any issues with registering please email the Health & Safety Helpdesk at to request assistance. DSE training must be retaken every three years OR at any significant change to the workstation layout, while Fire Safety Awareness training is due every two years.
Role specific training: Your manager will assess any additional health and safety training requirements for your role (e.g. manual handling) and set target dates for completion based on the Queen Mary Training Standard and Guidance available at: QMUL Training and Guidance.
Risk assessments: The Health and Safety Directorate have developed a risk assessment course hosted on QMPlus open to all students and staff. This course will teach you the principles of risk assessment, helping you to gain an understanding of the reasons for completing a risk assessment and the process for doing this. It is recommended that this course is completed by anyone who is required to complete and / or sign off risk assessments.
First aid awareness: The Health and Safety Directorate has developed an online first aid course on QMplus which you can complete at your own pace. You don’t need to have had any prior first aid training before completing the course, and it will cover how to deal with the most common first aid incidents that can occur at work.
All Health and Safety related records for our Directorate must be retained indefinitely in the event of an audit or serious incident occurring – your local Safety Rep has oversight of this responsibility which includes the following:
The governmental Health and Safety Executive (HSE) agency provides a wealth of information and guidance for workers which is easily accessible and varies from simple factsheets to detailed case studies for specific activities e.g. manual handling.
Advice published by the HSE is legally compliant and focused on the worker and their rights in the workplace. If you see good Health and Safety practice in action outside of Queen Mary and think that we might learn from it as an organisation, please contact the Student Experience Safety Coordinators at to share your thoughts or observations.
Queen Mary have published information on the standards you can expect in your working environment and how to raise concerns should you feel they are not being met and some potential solutions.
The Fact Sheet [PDF 110KB] will provide guidance for staff working in Student Experience Directorate frontline teams. Frontline staff are encouraged to discuss suitable training options with their line manager.