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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Cardiovascular Seminar Series

This online series will take place on Thursdays from 4-5pm. 

If you would like to sign up to present or need any further information please contact 

Past Seminars

12th January

Dr Katja Gehmlich (University of Birmingham)

The role of Z-disc proteins in cardiomyopathy


9th February

Professor Tomasz Guzik (University of Edinburgh)

Targeting inflammation in hypertension and associated vascular dysfunction


23rd February

Dr Aleksandar Ivetic (King's College London)

Endothelial cell permeability: from a novel mechanism to a druggable target


9th March

Professor Iain Scott (University of Pittsburgh)

Dysregulated mitochondrial lysine acetylation in cardiometabolic disease


23rd March

Professor Damian Tyler (University of Oxford)

Hyperpolarized magnetic resonance imaging - A novel technique to assess cardiac metabolism


4th May

Professor Costantino Iadecola (Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute)

Neurovascular determinants of brain health: bench to bedside


18th May

Professor Albert van der Vliet (University of Vermont)

DUOX1 in lung remodeling during chronic lung disease. A unique role in macrophages


1st June

Dr Ketaki Mhatre (University of Washington)

Functional and metabolic benefits of deoxy ATP cell therapy against chronic heart failure


22nd June

Professor Lea Delbridge (University of Melbourne)

Heart failure with preserved ejection there something special about women?


29th June

Dr Chi Fung Lee (OMRF)

Mitochondrial and NAD metabolism in cardiometabolic disease


27th July

Dr Melanie Madhani (University of Birmingham)

Role of nitrite and persulfides in cardiovascular health and disease


7th September

Dr Evan DeVallance (West Virginia University)

Redox-mediated epigenetics in the vasculature following toxicant inhalation: Role of endothelial bound xanthine oxidase


21st September

Dr Javier Barallobre Barreiro (King's College London)

The landscape of human heart failure; studying the effect of mutations, medications and comorbidities


5th October

Dr George Robinson (UCL)

Lipid metabolism and inflammation in juvenile lupus: mechanisms of early atherosclerosis 


12th October

Professor Paul Evans (QMUL)

Endothelial responses to stress in atherosclerosis 


2nd November 

Heartfelt stories: why public engagement and involvement matters


30th November

Dr Oleksandra Prysyazhna (QMUL)

Blood pressure is regulated by RSK1/2 redox state - opportunities for a new class of anti-hypertensives


11th January

Professor Laurent Yvan-Charvet (INSERM, France)

Artery wall remodelling by local and distal glutamine metabolism 


18th January

Professor Steven Niederer (Imperial College)

A multi-scale patient-specific modelling approach to cardiac physiology, pathology and care


25th January

Dr Alessandra Ghigo (University of Turin)

Transcriptional and metabolic adaptations to cardiotoxic anticancer therapies


8th February

Dr Jan Dudek (University Clinic Wurzburg)

Activation of the integrated stress response rewires cardiac metabolism in Barth Syndrome


15th February

Dr Jan Miljkovic (University of Cambridge)

Chemical biology of H2S and implication of cross-talk with NO cardiovascular physiology


7th March

Dr Sarah Schumacher (Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine)

Cardiac GRK2 peptide as a tool to understand sexual dimorphism in heart failure and cardiometabolism


14th March

Dr Florian Weinberger (CNIC)

Pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes for cardiac repair - pharmacological considerations


21st March

Professor Kristina Lorenz (University of Würzburg)

Interfering with ERK dimerization and autophosphorylation as therapeutic strategy in heart failure


4th April

Dr Giancarlo Forte (King's College of London)

The different layers of mechanosensing in the failing heart


18th April 

Dr Gustavo Ramos (University Hospital Wurzburg)

Exploring the cardio-immune crosstalk across the full aging spectrum


2nd May

Dr Anna Zoccarato (King's College)

NRF2 activation in the heart induces glucose metabolic reprogramming and mediates cardioprotection via unregulation of the pentose phosphate pathway


9th May

Dr Juma El-Awaisi (University of Birmingham)

Getting to the heart of the matter: advancing cardiopulmonary disease research with in vivo and ex vivo imaging techniques


16th May

Dr Hiran Prag (University of Cambridge)

Targeting succinate metabolism to treat cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury


30th May

Professor Pasquale Maffia (University of Glasgow)

Immune dysregulation in cardiovascular disease - from novel mechanisms to therapeutic targeting


13th June

Dr Marie Jost (UKE, Hamburg)

Unravelling the precise molecular pathomechanisms of how mutations PRKG1 cause thoratic aneurysm and dissection


27th June

Professor Norata Giuseppe Danilo (University of Milan)

Cholesterol and lipoprotein metabolism as immunometabolic checkpoints in the adaptive immune response


11th July

Dr Ingrid Dumitriu (University of Birmingham)

Interrogating inflammatory pathways in patients with cardiovascular disease to identify novel targets for personalised interventions


5th September

Professor Jared Rutter (HHMI, University of Utah School of Medicine)

Metabolism, cellular decisions and the language that unites them


19th September

Ancheng Zheng (QMUL)

NRF3-mediated mitochondrial superoxide promotes cardiomyocyte apoptosis and impairs cardiac functions by suppressing pitx2

Upcoming Seminars and 2024 Dates 

3rd October 

Associate Professor Pieter-Jan Guns (University of Antwerp)



17th October

Professor Allan Lawrie (Imperial College London)



31st October



14th November

Heartfelt Stories: why public engagement and involvement matters


28th November

Dr Xuan Li (University of Cambridge)

Regulation of microtubule function in cardiovascular disease


5th December 

Professor Simon Lebek (University of Regensburg)

Silencing common pathomechanisms with gene editing


12th December



Upcoming Seminars and 2025 Dates


9th January



23rd January



6th February



20th February

Professor David Lefer (Cedars-Sinai)



6th March 



20th March



3rd April



17th April



1st May



15th May



29th May



12th June



26th June 



10th July



24th July



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