Part 1: Preliminary Items
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Minutes of the last meeting
SE2017.58 [PDF 119KB]
3. Matters arising
4. President and Principal's report
SE2017.59 [PDF 174KB]
5. Vice-Principals' reports
a. Vice-Principal (Health)
SE2017.60a [PDF 362KB]
b. Vice-Principal (Humanities & SocialSciences)
SE2017.60b [PDF 11KB]
c. Vice Principal (Science &Engineering)
SE2017.60c [PDF 63KB]
d. Vice-Principal (StudentExperience, Teaching & Learning)
SE2017.60d [PDF 112KB]
e. Vice-Principal (Research)
SE2017.60e [PDF 82KB]
f. Vice-Principal (International)
SE2017.60f [PDF 22KB]
g. Vice-Principal (Public Engagement &Student Enterprise)
SE2017.60g [PDF 69KB]
6. Students' Union President's report
SE2017.61 [PDF 115KB]
Part 2: Matters for Information
7. Presentation from the Academic Registrar and Council Secretary on corporate governance
8. OIA Annual Statement
SE2017.62 [PDF 142KB]
Part 3: Matters for consideration
9. Admissions Policy
SE2017.63 [PDF 172KB]
10. Equality and Diversity
SE2017.75 [PDF 862KB]
11. Academic Regulations 2018-19
SE2017.64 [PDF 2,273KB]
12. Assessment Handbook 2018-19
SE2017.65 [PDF 1,188KB]
13. Late work penalties
SE2017.66 [PDF 156KB]
14. Semester based exams
SE2017.67 [PDF 162KB]
15. Professional Capability and Fitness to Practise Regulations
Part 4: Reports from Sub-boards of Senate
16. Taught Programmes Board
17. Education Quality and Standards Board
18. Research Degrees Programmes andExaminations Board
SE2017.71 [PDF 256KB]
19. Partnerships Board
SE2017.72 [PDF 46KB]
20. Vice-Principal’s (Public Engagement andStudent Enterprise) Advisory Group
SE2017.73 [PDF 46KB]