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Academic Promotion

The Academic Promotions Round for 2023/24 is open for applications from 1 December 2023 until 31 January 2024.

The annual Academic Promotion process provides academic staff with an opportunity to progress in their careers within Queen Mary.  The expectation for successful progression is that the applicant provides evidence of their contribution to the university, in line with our 2030 Strategy and Values, at the level for which they are applying. The aim is for Queen Mary to be a truly inclusive University where everyone has the support and opportunity to build their careers.

Documents for the 2023/24 Academic Promotions round are provided below:

Application Form - Academic Promotion Application Form 2023-24 [DOC 99KB]

Guidelines - Academic Promotion Guidelines 2024 v2 [PDF 337KB]

Academic Careers Framework- Academic Careers Framework 2023 [PDF 2,553KB]

Personal Circumstances Form - Academic Promotions Personal Circumstances Form 2023-24 [DOC 79KB]

School and Institute Promotion Group meeting pro forma- School and Institute Promotion Group meeting pro forma [DOC 21KB]

The application form must be emailed to your Head of School/Institute Director by 31 January 2024. 

Heads of School/Institute Directors will then complete the Head/Director statement on the application and email this to the HR Reward & Benefits Administrator,, by 10 April 2024.

The full timetable is shown below:


Announcement of the Academic Promotions round via e-bulletin

Wednesday 29 November 2023

Briefing sessions for applicants and Heads/Directors December / January

Discussion of application with Head of School / Institute Director

December / January

Announcement of the Academic Promotions round via e-bulletin

Wednesday 29 November 2023

Opening of application submission

1 December 2023

Application for Promotion document to be emailed to Head of School / Institute Director

Submission of Personal Circumstances Form (if applicable) to HR

31 January 2024

Personal Circumstances Panel

By mid-February 2024

School/Institute Promotion Group panel meetings

1 - 22 March 2024

Head of School / Institute Director to complete statement on each Application and email the Application documents to Human Resources

By 10 April 2024

Submissions discussed at Faculty Panels

By end-May 2024

Email to all applicants informing them of whether their application will be subject to further consideration by Queen Mary

Early June 2024

The time between Faculty Panels and Academic Promotions Group will be used to seek expert opinions for applications for Professor and Reader who will be subject to further consideration.

Academic Promotions Group

By end-July 2024

Decisions and new salaries communicated, with promotions effective from August 2024

By end-August 2024

The Academic Promotions Round will consider applications for:

  • Promotion to Senior Lecturer
  • Conferment of title of Reader
  • Conferment of title of Professor

To be eligible to make an application you need to meet all of the following criteria:

  • be an academic member of staff (currently a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer or Reader)
  • have one years' continuous employment on 31 December 2023
  • have successfully completed the previous academic year’s annual appraisal/probationary review
  • have completed the following core mandatory training modules by 31 January 2024:

Academic Promotion Faculty Briefings have been arranged as follows:

Science & Engineering (S&E): Tuesday 19 December 2023 15.00-17.00

Medicine & Dentistry (FMD): Wednesday 29 November 2023 13.00-14.00, Wednesday 13 December 2023 10.30-11.30

Humanities & Social Sciences (H&SS): Thursday 7 December 2023 11.00 - 12.00, 14.00 - 15.00

You may book a place on the sessions using the CPD course booking system which can be accessed here. Please note that if you have not used this system before you will need to create an account. You can email if you need any help with this.

If you are unable to attend the session for your own faculty, you may attend one of the others but please note the session is chaired by the Faculty Vice-Principal or Deputy Vice-Principal and some information given may be specific to the relevant academic disciplines. 

Recordings of the briefing sessions are also available at the links below. If you are unable to attend one of the sessions, we will add new recordings for this year's briefing sessions as they become available.

Academic Promotion HSS Briefing 2023-24

FMD Academic Promotion 2023-24 Briefing

S&E Academic Promotion 2023-24 Briefing

The slide deck for the Academic Promotions Briefings is attached below:

Academic Promotions Round 2024 Faculty Briefing - applicants [PPT 1,901KB]

There was also a briefing session for Panel members; slides and a recording of which are as follows:

Academic Promotions Faculty Briefing Session Panel Members [PPT 2,156KB]

Academic Promotions Panel Members Briefing Session Recording

We will also upload the slides from this briefing session as soon as possible.

We have also put together some Mentoring guidelines for those seeking academic career progression. Mentoring can support academic colleagues to progress their careers, by asking a more senior colleague to provide advice and act as a sounding board and role model. This guide, available below, provides some tips for mentees and mentors to get the most out of this relationship.

Mentoring for academic career progression [PDF 716KB]

In accordance with the Academic Promotions Guidelines, the Equality Diversity & Inclusion summary for the 2022-23 Academic Promotions Round can be viewed in the below document.

Academic Promotions EDI Summary Report 2022-23 [PDF 353KB]

Any advice regarding your readiness to apply for promotion should be sought from your manager. The Reward and Benefits team, , can be contacted with any queries with regards to the academic promotions process. 

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