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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Pre- and Post-Award Process

Process Flow Diagrams

Please consult the Process Diagrams for guidance on  key actions both Pre- and Post-award. The diagram outlines where responsibility lies, and also includes indicative timeframes for the different actions.

Pre Award Process Diagram  Pre-Award FAQs

Post Award Process Diagram

As of September 2022 we have brought in specific guidelines to ensure smooth review of bids in WT by the WIPH Institute Director (or delegate). All are already reflected in the process flow diagrams, but please see specific details below for clarity: 

WIPH Guideline: Worktribe approvals for bids v1

As of September 2023 FMD have initiated a new process for oversight of Barts Charity bids. This is reflected in the process flow diagram, but also see the document below:

Barts Charity Approvals Process

FMD Peer Review Policy

For all grant proposals to be submitted by (clinical and non-clinical) Early Career Researchers (ECRs), Lecturers and Senior Lecturers when they are the PI, please consult the FMD Peer Review Policy [PDF 1,029KB] and utilise the FMD Research Grant Peer Review forms [DOC 242KB]

WIPH FAQs for the FMD Research Grant Peer Review Process v2

Template Letters of Support

Please do contact Tor Kemp for up to date content to include in letters of support.

Flexible Research Funding (FRF)

The dual purposes of FRF is to encourage research leaders to develop strong, independent research teams by providing them with flexible funding for running their research group; and also to reward investigators for bringing overhead funding to the institution which in turn improves QMUL cost recovery on research. FRF is allocated as 20% of overheads excluding partner costs. Click this link for more information FRF policy v4 [DOC 84KB]

Additional information for all staff

There is additional pre-award support available from the following sources:

  • QMUL Library Services offer help with a Data Management Plan (DMP) 
  • Research Support Services offer free support for researchers to apply for funding, and to develop and deliver clinical and applied research
  • WIPH guidance on designing and carrying out PPIE
  • Research Funding Module on QM+ offers videos and information under the ‘General Guidance’ tab that will help you find opportunities and write competitive proposals. In addition, the site hosts all of the slides and resources that support the Researcher Development funding courses and workshops. You can also access ‘Information on Funding Schemes’, with videos and guidance from the Queen Mary research community on how they were able to get funding – including some great contributions from your Wolfson colleagues!
  • Full Economic Costing (FEC) explained [PDF 584KB]

Additional information for new staff

Accounts for Worktribe (QMUL research funding management platform) and eCosting software (precursor to Worktribe project set-up) will automatically be set up, and log-in will be via your QMUL systems username and password, e.g. xxx000. If you find your account is not active you can ask your Centre Manger/Administrator to flag with IT services.


Please contact WIPH Research Manager Victoria Kemp if you have any queries related to the guidance above 


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