Part 1: Preliminary Items
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Minutes of the last meeting
SE2017.01 [PDF 301KB]
3. Matters arising
4. Terms of reference and membership
5. Indicative annual business plan
6. President and Principal's report
Oral report
7. Vice-Principals' reports
a. Vice-Principal (Health)
SE2017.05a [PDF 311KB]
b. Vice-Principal (Humanities & Social Sciences)
SE2017.05b [PDF 231KB]
c. Vice Principal (Science & Engineering)
SE2017.05c [PDF 146KB]
d. Vice-Principal (Student Experience, Teaching & Learning)
SE2017.05d [PDF 343KB]
e. Vice-Principal (Research)
SE2017.05e [PDF 272KB]
f. Vice-Principal (Public Engagement & Student Enterprise)
SE2017.05f [PDF 231KB]
8. Students' Union President's report
SE2016.06 [PDF 294KB]
Part 2: Matters for Information
9. Teaching Excellence Framework
SE2017.07 [PDF 239KB]
10. QMUL Model
SE2017.08 [PDF 867KB]
Part 3: Matters for consideration
11. Freedom of Speech
SE2017.09 [PDF 196KB]
12. HEFCE Annual Provider Review
SE2017.10 [PDF 1,874KB]
13. Honorary Degrees and Fellowships
14. Research Misconduct Policy
SE2017.12 [PDF 339KB]
15. Dignity at QMUL
SE2017.13 [PDF 288KB]
16. Fitness to Practise and ProfessionalCapability Regulations
SE2017.14 [PDF 731KB]
17. Suspension of Regulations report
Part 4: Reports from Sub-boards of Senate
18. Taught Programmes Board
SE2017.16 [PDF 958KB]
19. Education Quality and StandardsBoard
SE2017.17 [PDF 241KB]
20. Research Degrees Programmes andExaminations Board
21. Partnerships Board
SE2017.19 [PDF 319KB]
22. Ethics of Research Committee
23. Vice-Principal’s (Public Engagement and Student Enterprise) Advisory Group
SE2017.21 [PDF 462KB]
24. Vice-Principal’s (Research) AdvisoryGroup
SE2017.22 [PDF 269KB]